New esports league (Overwatch) that is city based and has Robert Kraft as one of the owners...


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Dec 10, 2002
There are a lot of esports leagues and they are very popular (even having prime time spots on ESPN and TBS). But this one really has me thinking that someone is taking esports to the next level by getting mainstream sports owners involved and trying to tie teams to cities to get more local fans into esports.

What do you guys think?
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Esports is rapidly growing. I play COD games competitively and have won a fair share of tourneys, mostly against second-tier pro/ams.

Wouldn't consider myself a full-time pro by any means but some of the top 20 team players have easily cleared $1MM in annual winnings. Most top 25 teams have all their gear and travel paid for. Some of the very best teams have multimillion dollar homes, similar to a pimped out frat house, where they all live/practice.

This all just COD pros which is probably the 6th most popular game

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