Nevada Judge Dismisses Case Against Cliven Bundy and Sons, Says Government Cannot Retry Them


Heisman Winner
Aug 24, 2003
Corrupt fed dweebs caught red-handed jack-booting private citizens. It is way past time that this episode came to an end.

"Defense attorneys asked federal prosecutors to hand over Inspector General reports on BLM agent Dan Love, who directed the agency’s raid on the Bundy ranch. Love was fired from the agency in September for corruption and unethical behavior.

"Prosecutors had dismissed the allegations and investigations of Love as an “urban legend,” but ended up handing over 500 pages worth of reports on Love in December, according to The Oregonian."
Corrupt fed dweebs caught red-handed jack-booting private citizens. It is way past time that this episode came to an end.

"Defense attorneys asked federal prosecutors to hand over Inspector General reports on BLM agent Dan Love, who directed the agency’s raid on the Bundy ranch. Love was fired from the agency in September for corruption and unethical behavior.

"Prosecutors had dismissed the allegations and investigations of Love as an “urban legend,” but ended up handing over 500 pages worth of reports on Love in December, according to The Oregonian."

So they can suck the government tit for how many more decades?
So they can suck the government tit for how many more decades?
I confess I found this reply to be jaw dropping. Sys, for some reason I am of the notion you are an attorney in private practice in a small Oklahoma town. Are you suggesting if this event had happened in your neck of the woods and the Bundys had come to you you would have declined to represent them because they “suck at the government tit?” Surely you recognize the whole affair was an outrageous government overreach. Please tell me you agree with that much!
I'm far from agreeing with your assertion that this was "an outrageous government overreach.

Have you ever read the two court cases, that lead to the two US Court Orders the BLM/US Marshal's Service were trying to enforce?

Most of what the Bundy's have claimed about their lease, the allotment, etc. is 100% hogwash. The bottom line is that after paying leasing fees for some years, when it came time to renew their lease they went all "sovereign citizen" and tried to claim the land either belonged to them or the State of Nevada. In addition to the land they at one time held a grazing lease, they had cut a bunch of fences and opened up 10's of the thousands of acres of land to their cattle.

Under Nevada law, all commercial cattle operations have to tag/brand and vaccinate their cattle within (I think the number is six months, but I could be wrong about the exact number). Many of the Bundy cattle were never branded or vaccinated and most were now "feral" and some were found as far away as 75 miles at the Lake Mead National Recreation Center. The cattle, under Nevada State Law could not be harvested, slaughtered by anyone other than the Bundy's for their own personal use.

Read this decision, written by a Judge appointed by Ronald Reagan who surmised what evidence was before him and the previous court which had likewise entered a judgment and an order against the Bundy's.
I'm far from agreeing with your assertion that this was "an outrageous government overreach.

Have you ever read the two court cases, that lead to the two US Court Orders the BLM/US Marshal's Service were trying to enforce?

Most of what the Bundy's have claimed about their lease, the allotment, etc. is 100% hogwash. The bottom line is that after paying leasing fees for some years, when it came time to renew their lease they went all "sovereign citizen" and tried to claim the land either belonged to them or the State of Nevada. In addition to the land they at one time held a grazing lease, they had cut a bunch of fences and opened up 10's of the thousands of acres of land to their cattle.

Under Nevada law, all commercial cattle operations have to tag/brand and vaccinate their cattle within (I think the number is six months, but I could be wrong about the exact number). Many of the Bundy cattle were never branded or vaccinated and most were now "feral" and some were found as far away as 75 miles at the Lake Mead National Recreation Center. The cattle, under Nevada State Law could not be harvested, slaughtered by anyone other than the Bundy's for their own personal use.

Read this decision, written by a Judge appointed by Ronald Reagan who surmised what evidence was before him and the previous court which had likewise entered a judgment and an order against the Bundy's.

Very interesting take. You seem far more cognizant of the particulars of the case than I, so maybe you can explain how the son and one other guy were acquitted and now the father and three others have had their cases dismissed with prejudice. I don’t recall the judge’s words but if memory serves she was quite harsh regarding the prosecution’s behavior. As a layman it strikes me the government’s actions are extreme overreach of power. I am open to listening to your interpretation if you want to give it.
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Very interesting take. You seem far more cognizant of the particulars of the case than I, so maybe you can explain how the son and one other guy were acquitted and now the father and three others have had their cases dismissed with prejudice. I don’t recall the judge’s words but if memory serves she was quite harsh regarding the prosecution’s behavior. As a layman it strikes me the government’s actions are extreme overreach of power. I am open to listening to your interpretation if you want to give it.
This opinion piece asserts the Bundy episode is the latest in a long series of government overreach. It is an opinion piece, not a judge’s ruling, but it does seem to show a pattern of abuse by government agents.
I confess I found this reply to be jaw dropping. Sys, for some reason I am of the notion you are an attorney in private practice in a small Oklahoma town. Are you suggesting if this event had happened in your neck of the woods and the Bundys had come to you you would have declined to represent them because they “suck at the government tit?” Surely you recognize the whole affair was an outrageous government overreach. Please tell me you agree with that much!

Are you familiar with the basic underlying facts? How did he acquire the right to use federal lands for his own purposes?

Represent them in what?

No, I don't agree. What about that court order is wrong?
I'm far from agreeing with your assertion that this was "an outrageous government overreach.

Have you ever read the two court cases, that lead to the two US Court Orders the BLM/US Marshal's Service were trying to enforce?

Most of what the Bundy's have claimed about their lease, the allotment, etc. is 100% hogwash. The bottom line is that after paying leasing fees for some years, when it came time to renew their lease they went all "sovereign citizen" and tried to claim the land either belonged to them or the State of Nevada. In addition to the land they at one time held a grazing lease, they had cut a bunch of fences and opened up 10's of the thousands of acres of land to their cattle.

Under Nevada law, all commercial cattle operations have to tag/brand and vaccinate their cattle within (I think the number is six months, but I could be wrong about the exact number). Many of the Bundy cattle were never branded or vaccinated and most were now "feral" and some were found as far away as 75 miles at the Lake Mead National Recreation Center. The cattle, under Nevada State Law could not be harvested, slaughtered by anyone other than the Bundy's for their own personal use.

Read this decision, written by a Judge appointed by Ronald Reagan who surmised what evidence was before him and the previous court which had likewise entered a judgment and an order against the Bundy's.
And U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro, appointed by Barack Obama, dismissed the case, with prejudice. Stating:

"The court finds that the universal sense of justice has been violated."

She also said government lawyers showed a “reckless disregard for Constitutional obligations.”
I confess I found this reply to be jaw dropping. Sys, for some reason I am of the notion you are an attorney in private practice in a small Oklahoma town. Are you suggesting if this event had happened in your neck of the woods and the Bundys had come to you you would have declined to represent them because they “suck at the government tit?” Surely you recognize the whole affair was an outrageous government overreach. Please tell me you agree with that much!

The only time he hates tit sucking is when the tit suckers don’t vote Democrat. As long as they do “suck that tit dry.”

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