War, war, war. It’s time for change.
I personally don’t think we’ll go to war with either one despite all the tough talk. Tulsi is trailing bad so she has to beat up on Trump and the far left to garner the much needed votes/attention from the middle. Iran would be absolutely stupid to attack US Navel Assets in the straights and Venezuela will work itself out. I keep wondering where the feckless, dickless and useless UN is is circumstances like this.
If I were her this is not the hill I’d die on with so much other red meat out there. If she doesn’t get much of a bump from this and similar ads she’ll be out of the picture before Thanksgiving. BTW PD I actually like her just don’t think she has a chance unless she is bitching about Trump every 15 seconds. That’s all the political activists parading as the media want and will cover. She seems way way way to even keeled to complain all the time so no coverage equals no exposure equals no chance.
War, war, war. It’s time for change.
This map illustrates the platform Trump ran on in 2016.
I don’t think any of his supporters expected zero new wall construction, higher illegal immigration than Obama, and cabinet member John Bolton leading us into a war with Iran.
I appreciate your thoughtful response, although I disagree with some of what you say. I do not think Tulsi believes she has to "beat up on Trump" to get any attention. In almost every speech she calls out the war profiteers of both parties. But, of course, she is a Democrat seeking to replace DJT, so naturally she is going to argue against his policies, especially as they cause more conflict and harm in the world. Surely you can't blame her for that! She recognizes that hers is a lonely voice calling for peace at a time the NeoCon/Establishment has manipulated a large portion of the population into believing the wars in which they have gotten us entangled are necessary. We have been at war so long it has become the "new normal," such that most of us don't pay much attention to them. We're militarily involved in seven or eight conflicts, and I doubt any of us can say where more than one or two are taking place. It is draining us of blood, treasure, liberty, and respect, and if it isn't halted it may cause a serious decline.
As regards the claim that Iran is planning an attack on American targets, I would caution you to view those with extreme cynicism. I'm old enough to remember the Gulf Of Tonkin resolution that got us involved in the Vietnam war, which cost us tens of thousands of casualties for a completely unnecessary and illegitimate war all because the war mongers of the time persuaded us it was needed to stop the dominoes from falling. None of us should believe anything John Bolton or Mike Pompeo say when it comes to Iran, especially Bolton, who has longed for war with Iran for years, decades. Bolton, a man who wouldn't fight in Vietnam because he didn't think he should "die in a rice paddy." Bolton and Pompeo are using every tactic they can think of the lure Iran into "starting" a conflict, much like FDR did with Japan, which led to Pearl Harbor. So far Iran has avoided stepping in a landmine of Bolton's making, but the man is relentless, and he will not stop. The only hope we have is Trump will come to his senses and prevent Bolton from getting us involved in another of what DJT calls "silly wars."
Sorry, I got off subject. (Bolton drives me insane!). Back to Tulsi. This is most certainly the hill she will defend to the end. This is not just a political calculation on her part. This is something she believes in. She is not your typical unprincipled politician who tests the waters before she opines. She is for real.
Exactly how did FDR “lure” the Japanese into a war? And if he “lured” them why were we so unprepared at Pearl?
Tulsi does not go after Trump near as much as the others. Not even close, maybe you watch enough of her stuff to think she does but she is being lapped by infinitely lesser one-called organisms.
You obsess over Bolton too much....while I’ve read about the Gulf of Tonkin, there is no way these guys are going to manufacture a war with those idiots. Trump wants to get re-elected and any type of war will ensure that doesn’t happen. Will we defend ourselves you bet, even retaliatory air & missile strikes but no way we get in a full blown war.
In my opinion the ex-rodent in chief knew exactly what he was doing when he sent money to those clowns as well. He knew dam well they would use some of the funds to help keep Assad in office, help Hamas/Hezbollah/Quads attack Israel, continue nefarious work on weapons grade uranium and disrupt the world economy. Don’t forget letting the whole world know the Israelis unleashed the Stutnex(sp) virus on the peaceful Iranians.
You are confusing me. Does Tulsi beat up on Trump to gain attention or not?
America ignores Bolton at its peril. He has made no secret of his desire to go to war with Iran. The first thing he did as National Security Advisor was order the generals to devise a war plan to invade Iran. He is doing to Iran the same thing LBJ did with Vietnam and FDR did with Japan. A simple google search will show you the madness that infects that man. There are some rumors that Trump is about to fire him. Pray the rumors are correct.
War, war, war. It’s time for change.