National bird of the United States


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Austin Tx
A couple years ago I tried to photograph the eagles nesting along the Arkansas River west of Tulsa, from long range, with a bazooka lens and little success..

Then I came across this shot, taken by Justin Deabold III, in 2012 near Chambers Bay, Washington, where the US Open will be held in 60 days.

I'll call this the most amazing wildlife photograph I've seen..

The Founding Fathers got it right. Runner-up in vote for national bird: wild turkey

I was preg checking cows in NW Arkansas back in January and there were 3 of them flying overhead the entire time. Very impressive sight to say the least.

Here is a picture I took of one that has a nest in a tree on our beach at our lake cabin here in Minnesota. They have been nesting in our tree for the last 3 years. Really cool birds!

here is a pic of the nest in the tree from last year. If you look closely you can see one sitting in the nest. I haven't been up yet since january so i havent seen the new nest. Last year they had 3 babies.
There are two nesting pairs that live in our neighborhood. This is video I shot of one of their young in the median at the exit of our neighborhood. One of the males sometimes sits on our chimney because it has a great view of the retention pond.


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