Nanny Govt- permission to dance or sing

Best thing society could hope for would be for D.C. to actually enforce this. The only way (short of another Civil war type split) for this country to pivot away from its self-destructive path the socialists are leading us towards is for the rules to become so outlandish (such as this) that the quietly compliant middle gets fed up.
My wife is a moderate Dem and I had this exact conversation with her yesterday after watching the news talk about Prince Harry speaking at some awards show telling everyone to get vaccinated. I said, if the country wants to get everyone vaccinated, the first thing the politicians need to do is quit getting the same people who spout all the "woke" bullshit every time they're on camera to be the voice for pushing the vaccines. That just furthers the "politicization" of the vaccine and turns off half the country.
Meanwhile, I’m still waiting for Walgreens and Kroger to re-start distribution of the J&J vaccine so I can go knock it out in a single punch.

But nobody seems too concerned about that.

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