Name a Movie that went from fantastic to meh for you

Been Jammin

Jun 27, 2003
The "movies you will watch all the way through" thread got me thinking. Name a movie that knocked your socks off the first time you saw it, but doesn't come close to holding up if you rewatch it now.

One example, for me, is Platoon.

I remember seeing it in the theater and feeling numb as I walked out. No words. Now, it seems very mediocre.
That last Indiana Jones movie. Stupid, stupid, stupid last ten minutes.

Umm... I thought the stupidity was well distributed in that one. By the end I was ready to shut it off.

For me, Jurassic Park. I saw it twice in the theater and loved it both times.

Now the only parts I like are the 'meme'-able one liners and John Williams' score.
Men in Black (1997)

Showed it to our kids doing a "family movie night" and my wife and I were kind of embarrassed we showed it to them. It did not age well to us.
I learned Purple Rain and Breakfast Club both failed to age well after watching them with my kids.

I still love the performance scenes in Purple Rain, but the movie is full of misogyny and casual violence against women. Pointedly noticed by my daughters.

The differences between the kids and in the Breakfast Club and their "life problems" kinda seem trite and overblown nowadays compared to kids today. Also pointed out by my kids. Also, as a parent myself, I kinda dislike that every single parent is identified as an idiot or a villian.

Still has some great one-liners in it though.
Gone With the Wind has not aged well. Still a classic movie but the racial stereo types just make you cringe. "I says when it quitting time at Tara" Its almost cartoonist. That and when you realizing they are glorifying the klan.

Citizen Kane is a movie I never understood all the hype and now days it looks like something from a junior high film class. (I'm gonna hear from the film snobs on this one).
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Umm... I thought the stupidity was well distributed in that one. By the end I was ready to shut it off.

For me, Jurassic Park. I saw it twice in the theater and loved it both times.

Now the only parts I like are the 'meme'-able one liners and John Williams' score.
Man, I still absolutely love Jurassic Park. I was actually going to say Jurassic World. For some reason I was so pumped to see it and thought I loved it in the theaters. Saw it again on HBO and was highly confused why I enjoyed it. It’s really quite terrible haha.
Makes me want to try shrooms my next movie going experience.

Is 55 too old to try shrooms?

I don't think so. I was probably 22 at the time. One of my more enjoyable dalliances into drugs. I suspect that the other people in the theater were annoyed, because my buddy and I were pretty vocal throughout the movie, since we thought we were part of the action.

Denver is trying to decriminalize psilocybin. Some day, it may trend the way MJ currently is in this country. That will be interesting to follow. I'd definitely partake again if they were more readily available.
I don't think so. I was probably 22 at the time. One of my more enjoyable dalliances into drugs. I suspect that the other people in the theater were annoyed, because my buddy and I were pretty vocal throughout the movie, since we thought we were part of the action.

Denver is trying to decriminalize psilocybin. Some day, it may trend the way MJ currently is in this country. That will be interesting to follow. I'd definitely partake again if they were more readily available.
They ain't what they used to be. I used to think they were fun in college the handful of times I did them but I got talked into doing them in my mid 20's and had a really bad trip. Its all fun and fun and games until you freak out tripping for 6 some hours.
I don't think so. I was probably 22 at the time. One of my more enjoyable dalliances into drugs. I suspect that the other people in the theater were annoyed, because my buddy and I were pretty vocal throughout the movie, since we thought we were part of the action.

Denver is trying to decriminalize psilocybin. Some day, it may trend the way MJ currently is in this country. That will be interesting to follow. I'd definitely partake again if they were more readily available.
I think Denver did actually decriminalize. Oakland has decriminalized as well.
Gone With the Wind has not aged well. Still a classic movie but the racial stereo types just make you cringe. "I says when it quitting time at Tara" Its almost cartoonist. That and when you realizing they are glorifying the klan.

Citizen Kane is a movie I never understood all the hype and now days it looks like something from a junior high film class. (I'm gonna hear from the film snobs on this one).

I can’t imagine what would happen if you watched a movie with a murder.
Still love it. First saw it in the theater on shrooms. Crazy experience. Thought I was actually in the movie.
I have 2 movie experiences on shrooms. First was “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” that was fun. 2nd was “The Shining” and they were really good shrooms. One of the worst experiences of my life. I couldn’t stop watching and I’ve never been so terrified. I would take the couch pillows and cover my face with them and scream as loud as I could, like full terror scream. I still can’t really watch that movie. My buddy and I still talk about that night. Jack Nicholson’s face is terrifying. Truly a horrifying experience, I can’t even explain it.
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I have 2 movie experiences on shrooms. First was “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” that was fun. 2nd was “The Shining” and they were really good shrooms. One of the worst experiences of my life. I couldn’t stop watching and I’ve never been so terrified. I would take the couch pillows and cover my face with them and scream as loud as I could, like full terror scream. I still can’t really watch that movie. My buddy and I still talk about that night. Jack Nicholson’s face is terrifying. Truly a horrifying experience, I can’t even explain it.
Why in the world would you do that to yourself?!?? That honestly sounds like my worst nightmare. Gives me the chills just thinking of how I would feel.
I have 2 movie experiences on shrooms. First was “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” that was fun. 2nd was “The Shining” and they were really good shrooms. One of the worst experiences of my life. I couldn’t stop watching and I’ve never been so terrified. I would take the couch pillows and cover my face with them and scream as loud as I could, like full terror scream. I still can’t really watch that movie. My buddy and I still talk about that night. Jack Nicholson’s face is terrifying. Truly a horrifying experience, I can’t even explain it.

Ok. Will never do shrooms.
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I have 2 movie experiences on shrooms. First was “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” that was fun. 2nd was “The Shining” and they were really good shrooms. One of the worst experiences of my life. I couldn’t stop watching and I’ve never been so terrified. I would take the couch pillows and cover my face with them and scream as loud as I could, like full terror scream. I still can’t really watch that movie. My buddy and I still talk about that night. Jack Nicholson’s face is terrifying. Truly a horrifying experience, I can’t even explain it.

What an awful idea. As I said, when I watched Willow, my buddy and I actually thought we were in the world of the movie. When Kilmer was sliding down the mountain, in the snow, we were both screaming and leaning as if we were riding alongside him.

I can't even imagine how awful that would have been had we been watching a horror movie. Especially one as psychologically disturbing as The Shining.
What an awful idea. As I said, when I watched Willow, my buddy and I actually thought we were in the world of the movie. When Kilmer was sliding down the mountain, in the snow, we were both screaming and leaning as if we were riding alongside him.

I can't even imagine how awful that would have been had we been watching a horror movie. Especially one as psychologically disturbing as The Shining.
I can’t exactly remember why we thought it would be a good idea, it’s been more than 15 years. Someone had told us it would be a life changing experience....and it was. That feeling of terror cannot be described.

I do not recommend.
I have 2 movie experiences on shrooms. First was “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” that was fun. 2nd was “The Shining” and they were really good shrooms. One of the worst experiences of my life. I couldn’t stop watching and I’ve never been so terrified. I would take the couch pillows and cover my face with them and scream as loud as I could, like full terror scream. I still can’t really watch that movie. My buddy and I still talk about that night. Jack Nicholson’s face is terrifying. Truly a horrifying experience, I can’t even explain it.
lol such polar opposites. Man I can't even imagine how awful that would be.
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I'm sure there are several that fit the bill but the one that really stands out to me is True Grit. After seeing the Jeff Daniels version, I made the comment to someone "It was great, but it wasn't as good as the original". That same weekend the original was on the tube and oh em gee it was awful.

As we saw with my restaurant recommendation and often with my movie recommendations, take it with a grain of salt.

With that being said, my strip club recommendations are on point and have never been a let down...
The "movies you will watch all the way through" thread got me thinking. Name a movie that knocked your socks off the first time you saw it, but doesn't come close to holding up if you rewatch it now.

One example, for me, is Platoon.

I remember seeing it in the theater and feeling numb as I walked out. No words. Now, it seems very mediocre.

The thing about Platoon that made it so unique, when it first came out, for a generation who had been raised on John Wayne and WW II movie was it was the first movie to present war as chaos and completely f'd up. In the WW II movies the mission was always clear, the good guys always won and often everyone seemed to be having a great time. Platoon was the first of a number of Vietnam era movie that went completely the opposite direction. Platoon, The Deer Hunter, Coming Home and Apocalypse Now all attempted to deal with the subject. The first to focus on the impact on the individual soldier. All were praised when they came out. All don't really stand up to subsequent movies
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The thing about Platoon that made it so unique, when it first came out, for a generation who had been raised on John Wayne and WW II movie was it was the first movie to present war as chaos and completely f'd up. In the WW II movies the mission was always clear, the good guys always won and often everyone seemed to be having a great time. Platoon was the first of a number of Vietnam era movie that went completely the opposite direction. It f Platoon, The Deer Hunter, Coming Home and Apocalypse Now all attempted to deal with the subject. The first to focus on the impact on the individual soldier. All were praised when they came out. All don't really stand up to subsequent movies

All true. Great post!
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I watched Platoon when it came out with my dad who served in Vietnam. He was crying in the car on the way home. Not sure I ever saw him cry.
platoon is great...I don't like watching it because it's too real. A Star is Born with Cooper...watched it in the cinema but never again.
So, you thought it was great the first time? Sounds like you just didn’t like it.
had great expectations....but was disappointed. I thought it was going to be fantastic but it proved not to be. probably not really following the topic of the post... Hell, now it 's on hbo already.
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