Nadler and contempt gambit...


May 29, 2001
it’s my understanding that the Meuller report is 98% available to anyone who wants to see it, with the remaining redacted portion protecting the grand jury info as required by law.

Not only has Barr provided the full unredacted version for viewing in a secure skiff(sp?) for 6 top dems including Nadler, he expanded the viewing list and offered to deliver it to the House for these people to view it.

So far, none of them have taken the opportunity to read it.

But they vote to hold Barr in contempt.

What are we missing here? Can any of you koolaid drinkers justify this?

This is a pathetic transparent ploy to extend the narrative so people like @Syskatine can stay riled up over muh Russia. Same with the jr subpoena. It’s all damage control at this point.

Meanwhile.... OIG report is coming. Then declass.

This is all damage control right now, before the narrative fully shifts to “Trump is attacking his political enemies.”

But once it’s all on the table, it’s gonna be ugly.
This is all an attempt by Nadless and Co. to try to damage Barr's credibility. Just as you posted, they are trying desperately to set up the "Barr and Trump are retaliating against us for exposing them" narrative. More and more people are seeing it for what it is though.
Just offhand, don't confuse the Jr. Subpoena which was done by a Republican led committee with the partisan circus that is the House's contempt charge.
Just offhand, don't confuse the Jr. Subpoena which was done by a Republican led committee with the partisan circus that is the House's contempt charge.

That remains to be seen. I’m not confused by it, but it’s either a RINO in Burr bending over for senate dems, or it’s a purposeful tactic to nullify the Trump Tower Moscow project as a basis for future house shenanigans.

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