My view on Education and the cancellation of student loan debt or the theory of a free College Education


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
My previous CEO that recently retired was a die-hard liberal. He was a professor at Colorado State University for a number of years, he would go back to CSU at least twice a year as a guest lecturer and has many friends at CSU.

We were debating "free" college education or the cancellation of student loans, he said it would help minorities and a great idea.

I asked him, I said what do you have to be the very first day you set foot on a college campus? I said this is not a trick question, and you know the answer but may not come to mind. We sat in awkward silence for awhile. I said it is simple: You have to be college ready, you have to have the needed education when you set foot on campus to be able to pursue a meaningful degree and graduate. He agreed, and said so?

I said the problem is, for many minorities, they come out of high schools that will never have them college ready. All the Dems are doing is getting minorities to believe they will get a free college education, until reality hits that you have to be college ready and meet minimum standards.

This practice, I told him, would actually make the education gap wider, not smaller for minorities. Those that would most likely benefit the most would be lower middle class families that have children in good high schools but perhaps choose or prefer to not go in to debt for a college education.

I told him all that money would be better spent figuring out the education problem at the lower levels, and getting minorities the education they need to be able to tackle a college curriculum. Part of the money I said should be used to create these community centers near low income neighborhoods and schools as well. Told him this was just a way to buy votes.

He said I really need to think about this and when I go back to CSU I am going to discuss this with professors and school administrators I know. After one of his visits to CSU, he said all the professors and school admin agreed with my logic, that they had never looked at it that way. He said not one single person disagreed. I wish we could have more conversations like this and not so much tribalism.

There is something else I believe, people don't value things that are given to them or come easy. Having a good education is a gift and not a right, and it is something one should take great pride in achieving.

To me this is simple common sense. It is tragic what Biden has done making people with no college education or student loan, carry the burden of paying taxes to pay for a stranger's college education, many of these people living pay check to pay check and being suffocated by Biden induced inflation. I have read many minorities are upset that these are the people Biden is concerned about when they just want lower food and gas prices, and he does nothing but fan the flames of inflation.
You've just described (perfectly in my view) the Conservative mindset regarding education and by contrast what the Left has been able to do to our Universities.

Free anything is rarely valued. This is fundamental human nature that Leftist's actually take advantage of.
Universities have expanded their courses of study to include completely useless and intellectually bankrupt areas and majors - racial tribalism, advanced orgasmic theory,...

When hiring engineering interns at the global tech company, I reviewed two completely different pools of applicants - engineering students looking for relevant engineering internships and racial tribalist students that happened to study engineering. For engineering work, should I choose a student with machine vision and robotics operating system project experience or the Ms. <insert racial identity> Langston U runner up with no meaningful project experience.

Sadly, hiring a tribal racist/genderist into the organization is as bad has spiking the water cooler with Strychnine. Pure poison for the organization and executing on the business objectives.

The Counter Revolution is under way. Here in Arizona it's started with a Voucher system for public school aged kids. Next up will be universities.

I’d agree to this if I’d be guaranteed a rebate with market rate of return for the tuition I paid 35 years ago. Probably about $10,000 total tuition, DJIA ran from about 1700 to 2700 while I was in college. I’ll even be a sport and settle for what my $10,000 would be worth if it were merely parked in an index fund all those years so as to simplify the math for deep-staters with leftist IQs.
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