So, spent 4 nights in Germany on business and basically talked business from 8 to 10 every day. The nature of what my org does requires disposable income, we cater however to the low and upper end so to speak. This event had participation from individuals from Poland, France, Italy, Germany, New Zealand, Belgium, UK, Brazil, etc...I would have to look but I bet almost 25 countries were represented.
I interacted with the filthy rich, talking huge ranches, multiple homes, homes so nice that the Italian government at times meets with heads of state at one of these individuals house, car collections over 30, etc...literally money no obstacle (2 of the individuals I spent most of my time with fall in to this category and one of them voluntarily paid for all of my meals and entertainment while I was there, would not take no for answer). My CEO has been there and said words cannot describe this one man's property, he wants me back in Italy and wants to entertain us at his house next time I make it to Italy.
I interacted with hard working Europeans that are just trying to find their way as well. One was an intern at the event and I was impressed with him, very smart and hard working. Took the time to get to know him as well as many others, it seemed my compliments meant the most to him. My USA white national racist azz still talked to him even though he was a person of color.
What we do originated in the USA, the Europeans have fallen in love with it (migrated over 30 years ago) and over my 17 years I have earned their respect and of course they look to the USA for direction.
Trump came up abut 10- 12 times, conversations were short, and to the point. No one looks to the USA as a laughing stock as some who claim to have spent time there will say, during my career they mostly envy what the USA has. They do not believe high taxes and heavy socialism is nirvana, they have told me the 3 times I have been there, do not go down our path, rich and not so rich alike.
They HATE their tax structure, they feel trapped with it, and nothing can fix it. Those that are not rich because they would like more disposable income just to live and participate in what our org does, the rich because they know how badly it holds back their people. Let me tell you something, in the southern part of Italy they do so much shit below the table off the books in cash because they simply could not stay in business if they did not. I have heard them call it black money to me, maybe that is the best way to explain it to an American. This is not a mafia issue, this is survival. You better be good at it, you can just about guarantee being audited in southern Italy, we did some business there and KPMG was correct on that prediction, they tell their clients stay out, contract it out if you can, cost of business is too high.
Europeans do not vote here (although I predict soon a Dem will offer that up as a legit idea one day), so they are not as invested in the USA as some might think, they have their own problems.
All the comments on Trump, were generic, things like "Trump is bad", "Trump is ruining the economy", "Trump is bad for Europe", "They hate Trump in America (well how was he elected?)" etc...
I would simply ask them why they believed that, not ONE of them could give me a reason other than "That is what we are told", "That is what we hear", "That is what my USA friend told me". They are getting the Dim MSM talking points with no other opposing opinion or factual information, they want our Euro friends compliant as well.
So, I always engaged them telling them I would not try to change their opinion on Trump and that when it came to his personality, I would understand not caring for his personality. I told them I voted for him and why, and rattled off in pretty quick order his successes. They LITERALLY know NONE of this. The Europeans I have dealt with are intelligent, about 80% of them said pretty much, I did not know all of this but perhaps I need to research this more closely. I never tried to change their opinion and would not, there really is no point and no point for it to be emotional, they have no vote over here and what I do know they love what our org does and many of them travel to the US and invest in the US and play in the US.
One Italian individual I spent a good deal of time talking on how to grow things in Europe, filthy rich, he owns the house the Italian government uses at times to entertain. We shared much past business, talked about our families, etc...I told him my dad was from Chicago, his response? "Chicago very dangerous city, murderous city, no?" I said yes, he nodded his head. Congrats Chicago, in Italy they will never visit Chicago unless they have to. This individual? Likes Trump because "he understands taxes" and how important it is for people to have "more control over their own money". This man is very charitable with both his time and money and cares about the youth.
I have a friend in Belgium I have worked with over the years, he lives in Antwerp. Caught up with him while in Germany, GREAT guy. SMART, hard working. Probably about 45, talked about him and his job, he is pretty high up. He was excited that his company is considering giving him a home he can lease from them and the lease payments will apply to the house and then no matter what is "owed" on the house at the time he retires it is his. That made me sick, I assumed he owned his own home, I have seen pictures and it is really small, but I assumed he owned it. Equal outcomes is not fair IMO for guys like him. He educated me over the years on Belgium, no one hires unless they HAVE to, you can take a person's salary and add 70% on top each year because of all the social programs so hiring is a last resort. Firing is difficult as well, even if you get fired for cause you get a good severance.
Anyway, had some good German food and beer, I allowed the locals to order beer for me every time so I had no idea what I drank in terms of "who made it", but I liked it. People were respectful and I made sure I treated everyone very well, courteous, thankful, respectful, I am one of those while in a foreign country that does not want to give our country a bad name.
The "kissy kiss thing", takes some time to get use to because that is not my culture, but hey...
I interacted with the filthy rich, talking huge ranches, multiple homes, homes so nice that the Italian government at times meets with heads of state at one of these individuals house, car collections over 30, etc...literally money no obstacle (2 of the individuals I spent most of my time with fall in to this category and one of them voluntarily paid for all of my meals and entertainment while I was there, would not take no for answer). My CEO has been there and said words cannot describe this one man's property, he wants me back in Italy and wants to entertain us at his house next time I make it to Italy.
I interacted with hard working Europeans that are just trying to find their way as well. One was an intern at the event and I was impressed with him, very smart and hard working. Took the time to get to know him as well as many others, it seemed my compliments meant the most to him. My USA white national racist azz still talked to him even though he was a person of color.
What we do originated in the USA, the Europeans have fallen in love with it (migrated over 30 years ago) and over my 17 years I have earned their respect and of course they look to the USA for direction.
Trump came up abut 10- 12 times, conversations were short, and to the point. No one looks to the USA as a laughing stock as some who claim to have spent time there will say, during my career they mostly envy what the USA has. They do not believe high taxes and heavy socialism is nirvana, they have told me the 3 times I have been there, do not go down our path, rich and not so rich alike.
They HATE their tax structure, they feel trapped with it, and nothing can fix it. Those that are not rich because they would like more disposable income just to live and participate in what our org does, the rich because they know how badly it holds back their people. Let me tell you something, in the southern part of Italy they do so much shit below the table off the books in cash because they simply could not stay in business if they did not. I have heard them call it black money to me, maybe that is the best way to explain it to an American. This is not a mafia issue, this is survival. You better be good at it, you can just about guarantee being audited in southern Italy, we did some business there and KPMG was correct on that prediction, they tell their clients stay out, contract it out if you can, cost of business is too high.
Europeans do not vote here (although I predict soon a Dem will offer that up as a legit idea one day), so they are not as invested in the USA as some might think, they have their own problems.
All the comments on Trump, were generic, things like "Trump is bad", "Trump is ruining the economy", "Trump is bad for Europe", "They hate Trump in America (well how was he elected?)" etc...
I would simply ask them why they believed that, not ONE of them could give me a reason other than "That is what we are told", "That is what we hear", "That is what my USA friend told me". They are getting the Dim MSM talking points with no other opposing opinion or factual information, they want our Euro friends compliant as well.
So, I always engaged them telling them I would not try to change their opinion on Trump and that when it came to his personality, I would understand not caring for his personality. I told them I voted for him and why, and rattled off in pretty quick order his successes. They LITERALLY know NONE of this. The Europeans I have dealt with are intelligent, about 80% of them said pretty much, I did not know all of this but perhaps I need to research this more closely. I never tried to change their opinion and would not, there really is no point and no point for it to be emotional, they have no vote over here and what I do know they love what our org does and many of them travel to the US and invest in the US and play in the US.
One Italian individual I spent a good deal of time talking on how to grow things in Europe, filthy rich, he owns the house the Italian government uses at times to entertain. We shared much past business, talked about our families, etc...I told him my dad was from Chicago, his response? "Chicago very dangerous city, murderous city, no?" I said yes, he nodded his head. Congrats Chicago, in Italy they will never visit Chicago unless they have to. This individual? Likes Trump because "he understands taxes" and how important it is for people to have "more control over their own money". This man is very charitable with both his time and money and cares about the youth.
I have a friend in Belgium I have worked with over the years, he lives in Antwerp. Caught up with him while in Germany, GREAT guy. SMART, hard working. Probably about 45, talked about him and his job, he is pretty high up. He was excited that his company is considering giving him a home he can lease from them and the lease payments will apply to the house and then no matter what is "owed" on the house at the time he retires it is his. That made me sick, I assumed he owned his own home, I have seen pictures and it is really small, but I assumed he owned it. Equal outcomes is not fair IMO for guys like him. He educated me over the years on Belgium, no one hires unless they HAVE to, you can take a person's salary and add 70% on top each year because of all the social programs so hiring is a last resort. Firing is difficult as well, even if you get fired for cause you get a good severance.
Anyway, had some good German food and beer, I allowed the locals to order beer for me every time so I had no idea what I drank in terms of "who made it", but I liked it. People were respectful and I made sure I treated everyone very well, courteous, thankful, respectful, I am one of those while in a foreign country that does not want to give our country a bad name.
The "kissy kiss thing", takes some time to get use to because that is not my culture, but hey...
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