My son's deer

Jeff J.

Jul 6, 2003
Taken off of okstate28's lease down in south Texas. I had the gun on him, but passed it over. This is his second deer. He shot one from the same stand last year...this one dropped in its tracks just like last year's...and fell about 15 yards from the same spot!

Originally posted by HockleyPoke1:
Where is your goat pic?
I haven't got those from the guy who had a real camera there. Good thing he had it. iPhone flash sucks.

Also, I said it was a Mouflon. It's an Aoudad. I knew that, but brain farted or something.
Jeff, one of these days, if you want to kill hogs like no other, you'll have to come down to our place. I've been trying to get Chase down here for a long time.
Thanks mad. It wasn't a hard decision. I've shot bigger. This might have been his only trip this year (maybe around Christmas) and of course he's my boy.

Took a bit to adjust his seat, then find it in the scope (was set to 9). I asked if he was ready. He affirmed and I worked the safety. I heard cli..boom.
Posted from[/URL]
Very nice, be interested in knowing age... at least 5.5???? very nice, tell your boy dat daddy needs to call you before shooting buck on go forward...
Originally posted by pokem:
Very nice, be interested in knowing age... at least 5.5???? very nice, tell your boy dat daddy needs to call you before shooting buck on go forward...
We're guessing at least 5.5. He weighed 160 (guts in), which puts him well over the mark for a 4.5 YO deer on the TPWD chart for the area.
Are you sure that isn't Quinn Sharp's kid?

JK, congrats, I bet the kid is pumped!
Great buck. Is he trying out for a Hanson tribute band?

Better pic, same deer.

As for the long-hair jokes, my theory on this is very simple: If he likes it long, I'm ok with it because I know he is doomed to the same fate as me. I can't wear hair any other way but buzzed or shaved. Haven't been able to for about 10 years now. So I say "grow it while you can, kid."

I'm sure many can relate. I know Storm can!

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