An ellipsis only has three periods.My biggest pet peeve is when I get sucked into reading comments sections after just about ANY article anywhere online....and lo and argument ensues...and among the most used retorts is the "you should learn to read and comprehend..." Omg that drives me bonkers. It's like the most flimsy comeback second only to the "incorrect spelling nazi" comeback. I refuse to argue with morons online simply because I would rather confront someone face to face anyway...and it's a waste of time.
People argue over the dumbest shit ever. I read an article about tiny houses, and two people argued for a long time in the thread about the cost of the homes. Jeezuz. People really have that kind of time all day to devote to that shit???!!??
I can take that a whole lot easier than listening to some dumbass talk and use the word like 15 times a minute.
"So I was at the store the other day and I was like hungry, so I went into ya' know, the like deli section, and there were like all these different sandwiches with like different meats and cheeses."
Shoot yourself.
What pisses me off the most is that a lot of the young 20-30 year old teachers my kids have talk this way so they come home doing it and you have to correct them without making them feel stupid.