
A place where “women feel safe.” There’s no reconciling this culture with Western civilization.
I'm sitting here wondering why people who wear hijabs would spend money to have their hair done. You're just going to put the thing back on before you leave.

I do like how the article glossed over the fact that these women are required by a male centered religion to cover their heads or risk punishment.
Sounds like plenty of predominantly-white-clientele establishments across the country...a true indictment of the evils of multiculturalism lol

We live in a white majority country, so why wouldn’t most establishments be predominately white? If I went to Mexico or Nigeria I would expect the vast majority of establishments to be populated by predominately Mexicans or Nigerians.
Hey, it’s a private business and they’re exercising their religious freedom, so hey, good for them.

At the same time....we live in odd times where we have to accept and celebrate one religion that forces women to cover up their hair (at the very least) but we should all ridicule the ones that want to do crazy, outlandish stuff like protect the unborn.

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