Mueller investigation


Oct 29, 2008
When do you say it is finished?

Could have a real impact on the 2018 elections.
The goal all along was to find a still unfound Trump/Russian collusion connection. When that failed drag this out for as long as possible including into the elections with the obligatory Friday Night bombshell before the election which will look much worse than it is.
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The goal all along was to find a still unfound Trump/Russian collusion connection.

Even more than this, Mueller is a warning to any uninvited outsider who would dare challenge our political establishment.

“You see what they did to Trump — are you willing to subject yourself to that sort of investigation?”

A good person to think about for “uniparty membership privileges” is Huma Abedin — an unelected official who was voted in by no one.

Hundreds of thousands (millions?) of Americans are rotting in jail cells for crimes a tiny fraction of Huma’s, including many minorities the Dems claim to care about.

Yet Huma was treated with kid gloves by FBI investigators (Peter Strzok etc), the DOJ, she’s protected by the media, and both political parties leave her alone.

Simply because she’s an invited insider, Huma get’s her own special justice system.

Another example, Bernie Sanders.

Bernie was tolerated within his place within the government — but the minute he decided to challenge it, we all know what happened to him.

Mueller could have a field day investigating Bernie’s treatment by the DNC. But that’s not what this is about.
Uniparty membership is invitation only, and includes #Special-Privileges for VIP’s.

Including taxpayer-funded Government concierges.

Below is all the same guy. Try dropping his name to get out of a parking ticket.

Even more than this, Mueller is a warning to any uninvited outsider who would dare challenge our political establishment.

“You see what they did to Trump — are you willing to subject yourself to that sort of investigation?”

A good person to think about for “uniparty membership privileges” is Huma Abedin — an unelected official who was voted in by no one.

Hundreds of thousands (millions?) of Americans are rotting in jail cells for crimes a tiny fraction of Huma’s, including many minorities the Dems claim to care about.

Yet Huma was treated with kid gloves by FBI investigators (Peter Strzok etc), the DOJ, she’s protected by the media, and both political parties leave her alone.

Simply because she’s an invited insider, Huma get’s her own special justice system.

Another example, Bernie Sanders.

Bernie was tolerated within his place within the government — but the minute he decided to challenge it, we all know what happened to him.

Mueller could have a field day investigating Bernie’s treatment by the DNC. But that’s not what this is about.

Not a meme or cut and pasted tweet in sight.

I encourage more of this and less of the usual.
Don’t forget that Mueller (and Comey) absolutely tried to railroad the anthrax guy (think his name was Hatfill of Hatfield???) despite a huge amount of evidence he was not the person who sent the letters with anthrax in them. Memory is getting fuzzier by the year (I’ll call it Jimmy B Syndrome ) but the guy was ruined post being named the primary suspect.

Know he filed a lawsuit, but haven’t seen a thing about where it went. He could have even won it back when but you can bet if he did the media would never mention it lest they make Mueller/FBI look more like some (by no means not all) vindictive hacks.

They desperately need this investigation to run past mid-terms if not past 2020. Doubt many will be listening after 2018 though if they don’t start nailing people’s hides to the wall. And for the board libs, once again, if Trump, his family or employees/appointees broke laws they need to pay the price.....all be it not the same price Hillary, Huma or any of those crooked SOB’s payed.
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