So Mueller is butthurt he didn't get his deposit back.
The responses to Rick Reilly's tweet are gold.
That’s way better than what I have planned for all of the businesses that don’t return my phone calls.
Poors don’t get this.Before the typical morons start chiming in: Initiation fees are always non-refundable.
We know the border is bad.It’s worth clicking this thread and scrolling down.
Some good analysis and perspectives.
Every so often you crack me up!For the last time, WE DON'T NEED A FOOT RUB.
Yep.The fabric of our nation has already changed through demographics (Immigration Act of 1965 and illegal immigration) — we’re just not fully seeing it yet.
This is because:
1. We have tons of geographical space.
2. There are still enough Republican-voting baby boomers from preventing the dam from full breaking.
But by 2024, Texas, Arizona and Georgia, will all likely be ready to flip blue (if not earlier). And you know what that means for future presidential elections.
A substantial chuck of the 2016 GOP Primaries **Trump base** (when Trump was running against Jeb, Cruz and Rubio) is frustrated with Trump because we actually wanted exactly what he campaigned on — the wall, deportations and ending DACA.
There’s literally nothing “racist” about strict immigration enforcement, including mass deportations.
If any of us illegally snuck into any country and bring our children — that country has every right to deport all of us (including our children) no matter how long we’ve been there — and it has zero to do with our skin color or nationality.
Plus, as we can see below, these illegals will happily accept our welfare $$ while rejecting our laws and processes.
Check out this appalling new article. It’s not what we voted for, and we have to hold our president to his campaign pledges:
The country is lost I'm afraid and we don't have the nerve to fix it.
It sucks because it would be so easy for liberals to immerse themselves in shithole countries and shithole culture. America should be allowed to preserve American culture without the twisted mindset that race is a factor. Any race can be western.
It sucks because it would be so easy for liberals to immerse themselves in shithole countries and shithole culture. America should be allowed to preserve American culture without the twisted mindset that race is a factor. Any race can be western.