MSM is the worst

Saw this deal this morning......NYT aiding white nationalists, yea okay. Even Dan Rather jumped in and said something like "before you quote Trump "contextualize" his comments. Would like to say deep down am surprised, but not really. People like AOC, Talib, weak spined politicians and pandering leftist are freakin cockroaches. They really have nothing left in their quiver....just racism, racism and more racism.
demtard/leftists are fighting for relavancy

you try to do the right thing and say investigate russia let the truth prevail

well that’s not good enough
so they start peeling off obstruction

up jumps the devil in the form of these horrific shootings

you try to do the right thing and say well let’s work on solutions

well that’s not good enough because after all orange man is bad real bad white supremicist bad

never mind the 4800 murders in chiraq alone in otards eight years

so at the end of the day when i see peeps show up to discuss these shootings who aren’t real involved otherwise

never mind the fact a 3A sized town got wiped off the map during otards reign

i know america is fighting these leftist/socialist thugs for its very survival

they want sheeple

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