Moving to Oklahoma - Gonna need a lease...


Heisman Candidate
Nov 11, 2006
Does anyone know of any good leases that will be available next season in Oklahoma? Does anyone have a lease they wouldn't mind having a partner on? I'm primarily a doe hunter but will shoot a buck if it walks out in front of me. Basically, I don't target bucks but have no aversion to shooting them.
Originally posted by cowpoke74:

What part of OK, and what price range? I know of place that may come up. They are hunters, but have too much other great land to hunt. They mentioned leasing this spot the other day. Might check out this also.
Preferably central Oklahoma and I don't really know regarding price range. I've seen leases anywhere from 2-5k.
for 2K plus you should be able to find a good lease. I don't have any central ok connections. If you get interested in something around sw ok let me know and I will ask around for you.

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