Movie Recommendation: Nightcrawler


Heisman Winner
Jun 16, 2001
The wife and I watched it a few nights ago and both really liked it. They should have subtitled it, "If it bleeds it leads."

The film is dark, and Jake Gyllenhaal was excellent, imo. He played one super creepy dude...kind of a genius, creepy, psychopath.

While it was well-received critically, I don't think it did very well at the box-office.
Yep, I saw it last fall. I'm surprised it didn't get more attention. I thought it was a great movie as well.
Gyllenhaal is super creepy and the ending is pretty wild.

When it first came out it got some good reviews so when I saw it on Netflix I checked it out. Good movie but it won't give you warm and fuzzies.

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