Barry and his gang certainly are "transparent." It's "clear" that Barry has the most corrupt, lawless, and incompetent administration ever.
Sold .50 caliber guns as part of Fast and Furious. They should have called it Stupid and Feckless. Big rifle capable of defeating any civilian armor and can bring down a helicopter found in El Chapo's hideout, courtesy of the ATF.
Obamacare website launched and operated without an Authorization to Operate due to high level security issues. Private business has been prosecuted for the same security issues. What is federal law if you are the Feds? Apparently not applicable.
And finally, another large health insurer Humana is having money problems and may exit the exchange in 2017.
Man, it's tiring reading about all of the failures Barry has brought to the table. But hey, I guess OBL is dead, ISIS is contained and no threat, and those shovel ready jobs we all paid for has the economy booming. GO BARRY!
Sold .50 caliber guns as part of Fast and Furious. They should have called it Stupid and Feckless. Big rifle capable of defeating any civilian armor and can bring down a helicopter found in El Chapo's hideout, courtesy of the ATF.
Obamacare website launched and operated without an Authorization to Operate due to high level security issues. Private business has been prosecuted for the same security issues. What is federal law if you are the Feds? Apparently not applicable.
And finally, another large health insurer Humana is having money problems and may exit the exchange in 2017.
Man, it's tiring reading about all of the failures Barry has brought to the table. But hey, I guess OBL is dead, ISIS is contained and no threat, and those shovel ready jobs we all paid for has the economy booming. GO BARRY!