Most popular & unpopular Governors in US

clown face is a two termer on the heels of brad henry

wtf lol
Bentley from Alabama is gone. If Tommy Tuberville replaces him then Christie won't be in last place.
Yup. So they are statistically over-performing in approval and slightly over performing in disapproval with eight.
Right. However, if you look at the lowest ranking of the top 10 in approval, he is at 63/25, while #'s 7-10 on the highest DISapproval list all have negative #'s of 51 or less and negative approval gaps of 7 or less.
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This is the problem with these types of polls/surveys. Somehow, of the ten most 'disapproved' governors, 8 of them were elected to two terms. Also of note, of the 8 repubs on that list, 4 are in states that voted for Hillary, and the 5th was from Michigan which voted Republican last year for the first time since maybe Reagan. Its hard to give too much value of interpretation to this type of polling, when the voting behavior of the state's citizens don't reflect similarly.
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