Most overused word in 2016... 'hack'


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Jan 5, 2002
Maybe it is just because my profession is cybersecurity, but damn the word 'hack' is so over used and misused it drives me crazy. Such a vague word. For an industry where we have to be precise in our language, it is just a lazy and ignorant term.

I know... deer facespace, KYS, Didn't read, triggered, Jimmies rustled...
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Maybe it is just because my profession is cybersecurity, but damn the word 'hack' is so over used and misused it drives me crazy. Such a vague word. For an industry where we have to be precise in our language, it is just a lazy and ignorant term.

I know... deer facespace, KYS, Didn't read, triggered, Jimmies rustled...

"Triggered" and "hack."

Runner-up: "Russians"
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Maybe it is just because my profession is cybersecurity, but damn the word 'hack' is so over used and misused it drives me crazy. Such a vague word. For an industry where we have to be precise in our language, it is just a lazy and ignorant term.

I know... deer facespace, KYS, Didn't read, triggered, Jimmies rustled...

Drive me crazy every time someone posts on a friends facebook that they have been "HACKED" because they left their phone unlocked.

I agree 100% getting your pw phished is not the same as a brute forced hack, but sadly the media wants to generalize instead of reporting accurate terms of our industry.
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"Literally" STOP USING THIS WORD!!!!

This battle has been lost. Literally means emphasis now not actual circumstances. We don't win them all. Could care less and irregardless were lost in the last few years as well.

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