More than half of Millennials expect to be millionaires

while they are sleeping in their parents house will never happen but they will never get the wake up call.
Many are waiting to inherit their parents wealth and real estate until they realize me they were in debt up to their eyeballs and reversed mortgaged their homes back down to 80% LTV
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If you want to retire comfortably you better have at least 1.5 to 2 million invested. This will provide you with $60 to $80,000 in projected yearly revenue, not counting dividends and interest.
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I hope they all meet this goal. Someone has to fund mine and @cactusjackosu social security. Of course he's so old he'll probably be long gone before it runs out. Me? Does anyone have a cheap double wide they'd be willing to part with?
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If you want to retire comfortably you better have at least 1.5 to 2 million invested. This will provide you with $60 to $80,000 in projected yearly revenue, not counting dividends and interest.
Add being debt free to that and that's my plan. I can be there in 10 or 12 years.
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Well, it’s pretty easy to see why they think that. “Mill”ennial and “Mill”ionair are almost the same word.
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Well, it’s pretty easy to see why they think that. “Mill”ennial and “Mill”ionair are almost the same word.

Wow. I assumed you were in witness protection, since I never hear from you anymore.

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