More idiocy from the anti-Trumpers.

Perhaps if the rhetoric on this board weren’t so hellbent on causing violence to those they disagree with politically - just for the fun of it and whatnot…she might even sound completely insane…

carry on
I'm sure Maxine and the Democrats are terrified of what Trump has said his revenge will be, success. Democrats can't stand the people being successful, it stands in the way of Democrats being able to control the people.
Perhaps if the rhetoric on this board weren’t so hellbent on causing violence to those they disagree with politically - just for the fun of it and whatnot…she might even sound completely insane…

carry on
Suppose people actually are preparing for civil war? So f.uckin’ what? WTF business is it of congress that people are doing something that they have a right to do?

Gestapo on, fascistscott.
Suppose people actually are preparing for civil war? So f.uckin’ what? WTF business is it of congress that people are doing something that they have a right to do?

Gestapo on, fascistscott.

I didn’t say she wasn’t breaching the threshold of insanity with such beliefs, but her concern is unfortunately not completely unfounded…

thank your fellow J6 confederates/comrades for that🤷‍♂️

carry on
I didn’t say she wasn’t breaching the threshold of insanity with such beliefs, but her concern is unfortunately not completely unfounded…

thank your fellow J6 confederates/comrades for that🤷‍♂️

carry on
Totally unfounded. People have a right to prepare for anything that they think might happen. She has no more business being concerned with someone preparing for civil war than she does with someone preparing for a hurricane or a tornado. Too bad she didn’t show this concern when BLaMtifa engaged in ACTUAL civil war on Americans by burning and looting their neighborhoods.

Burn on, looterscott.
Perhaps if the rhetoric on this board weren’t so hellbent on causing violence to those they disagree with politically - just for the fun of it and whatnot…she might even sound completely insane…

carry on
Says the guy that wanted to meet someone from a forum to fight them.
And your bootie buddy Manbreasts said 2 cops killed for every black man killed.
Hypocrites much Cliton?
Are you quoting your ex-wife when you were slobbing your fat rolls all over her in bed?
Jabba the Scott? Sorta has a ring to it.
