Moles are destroying my yard


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 1, 2002
traps, poisons, nothing has worked. Guess I'm waiting till February-March to do an all out assault. Bombs, whatever I can put down to kill any grubs, worms, etc....

Sucks because I have a great lawn. Not one weed, but now it's getting destroyed by those damn varmits!
Jack identify the food source and eliminate that if you want success and keep them out. Proud to say I am mole free for three years now but it took that long to kill the food source or make it scarce enough to keep them in the neighbors yard. If you go after the moles though use the trap boxer recommends or use the poison smoke bombs.
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Jack identify the food source and eliminate that if you want success and keep them out. Proud to say I am mole free for three years now but it took that long to kill the food source or make it scarce enough to keep them in the neighbors yard. If you go after the moles though use the trap boxer recommends or use the poison smoke bombs.
I too would be interested in knowing the prior recommendations.
I tried the cheaper good. Smoke bombs are next, but I've pretty much decided to wait and try and kill food source and bomb the hell out of them.....might actually start on food source now.
I bought a solar powered stake at Lowes that vibrates every 10 or so seconds. Worked on the mole I had. He was gone in no time.
I did everything... Big new and beautiful yard. Bought the granules you spread on the yard. The solar stakes, bought traps and poison and also used grub and insect granules.

It wasn't working so finally called a mole guy and it was like $150 for the initial visit and then he charges $55 a mole and in about two weeks he caught the two little bastards.

Probably spent $300 or for all of that stuff. I hate those damn things!

Good luck!
I tried the cheaper good. Smoke bombs are next, but I've pretty much decided to wait and try and kill food source and bomb the hell out of them.....might actually start on food source now.

Having attended "mole school" at The Garden Trug in Tulsey last year, don't waste your time on bombs. There's no easy solution, but the neighbor's yard guy warned me he was putting some type of mole repellant down and they would be heading our way. Duh, they were already here. I do recall that the repellant takes some time to be effective, but might be the best way to go. We live north of Southern Hills, and there are yards on Birmingham Ave. (which runs north of SH) that absolutely look like prairie dog fields. One guy flooded his runs with the garden hose - not sure how well that works.
Is this an Oklahoma thing? I live in Dallas and have never heard of this issue except on this site.
I did everything... Big new and beautiful yard. Bought the granules you spread on the yard. The solar stakes, bought traps and poison and also used grub and insect granules.

It wasn't working so finally called a mole guy and it was like $150 for the initial visit and then he charges $55 a mole and in about two weeks he caught the two little bastards.

Probably spent $300 or for all of that stuff. I hate those damn things!

Good luck!

Man I needed this back in 2008. I would have gave up anything to get rid of those demons. They just dig and dig and make these annoying ruts in a perfectly mowed lawn.
here is what worked for me and it's simple. Find their little tunnel, take the handle of a broom (rounded) and punch a hole down to the tunnel. Pour in your poison granules, not a whole lot (probably a teaspoon size), and then cover the hole but not completely. The little turds see the light and come to make repairs. They see the food, and booyah they be dead. Try in in as many places as you want, and the more places you do it the better the odds. I've tried everything from car exhaust to water to whatever and this seems to work the best. The do come back occasionally and I've got too much property to try to spray to kill the grubs they are after.
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Take a 5" PVC pipe, suspend the mole trap inside the pipe with a screw or u-bolt, dig part of an existing run out, place the contraption in the run, cover it up, and check back in 24 hours. It's more work than poison but it works every time.
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Is this an Oklahoma thing? I live in Dallas and have never heard of this issue except on this site.

I live in Arlington and I've had problems with them for years. Tried traps that didn't work then pretty much just gave up after a while, although I'm always on the lookout for tips. Might try one or two of the tips mentioned here.
I live in Arlington and I've had problems with them for years. Tried traps that didn't work then pretty much just gave up after a while, although I'm always on the lookout for tips. Might try one or two of the tips mentioned here.

Thanks for the response. Interesting. I have really never heard of anyone having this issue here in Dallas.

Just hire this guy.
Thanks for the response. Interesting. I have really never heard of anyone having this issue here in Dallas.
Most typically live in a sandy soil that they can burrow through. My in-laws lived in Plano and the soil was a thick gumbo that they weren't attracted to it. Also, a customer of mine in Enid told me that they don't like automatic sprinkler systems because of the noise.

I have them in my yard and put the poison pellets down, also. They seem to work, but like someone mentioned above it's a long process. I also put down grub killer, which is not as strong as it used to be. When diazinon was legal I could put it down and not have moles for two or three years.
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Most typically live in a sandy soil that they can burrow through. My in-laws lived in Plano and the soil was a thick gumbo that they weren't attracted to it. Also, a customer of mine in Enid told me that they don't like automatic sprinkler systems because of the noise.

I have them in my yard and put the poison pellets down, also. They seem to work, but like someone mentioned above it's a long process. I also put down grub killer, which is not as strong as it used to be. When diazinon was legal I could put it down and not have moles for two or three years.

Makes sense. Almost everyone in North Dallas and Plano has an automatic sprinkler system.
Makes sense. Almost everyone in North Dallas and Plano has an automatic sprinkler system.

They are also bad in areas of new construction. The soil and ground is ususally much softer which allows them to burrow easier.

Every house in our neighborhood has a sprinkler system (HOA code) but several have had some mole issues.
I'm telling you, try a solar powered vibrating stake.
Couple of weeks ago I bought a Tomcat mole trap. I've caught one. The trick is finding the active tunnels. I'm looking for another one right now. The Tomcat trap cost $20 at Lowes and Home Depot.
I have so many questions...

I have been watching to much "Weeds". This joke would have been funnier if I was a women.

Also thank you to who ever suggested "Weeds" in one of the Netflix threads. That show is over the top funny.
The neighbor has stakes in the lawn that put out a vibration and noise every so often. Dug right past one the other day. Still, I'm taking some of these ideas and going to put them to use.
The neighbor has stakes in the lawn that put out a vibration and noise every so often. Dug right past one the other day. Still, I'm taking some of these ideas and going to put them to use.

Keep us updated Jack. It's an expensive and pain in the ass fix but I hope you get those little bastards. The good news is you likely only have one or two.
The neighbor has stakes in the lawn that put out a vibration and noise every so often. Dug right past one the other day. Still, I'm taking some of these ideas and going to put them to use.
I'd still give it a shot. May take some time for the mole to get annoyed.
I have been watching to much "Weeds". This joke would have been funnier if I was a women.

Also thank you to who ever suggested "Weeds" in one of the Netflix threads. That show is over the top funny.
Yes, as a man it was a bit odd but hey to each his own
The neighbor has stakes in the lawn that put out a vibration and noise every so often. Dug right past one the other day. Still, I'm taking some of these ideas and going to put them to use.

I had a brain fart in my first post about mole school; I've had some success with poison "worms" from Ace. They're a little pricey, but can be cut in half and put in the run opening. Had several eaten when the little bastages came to close the opening, so I think it's a victory.
I have so many questions...

I think the "indoor" rule is: it's mine and I'll wash it as fast as I want to. I don't have a clue about the "outdoor" rules, but "fear and common sense" obviously wouldn't be a consideration.
I trapped my first armadillo last week. I bought a seasoned trap from Mississippi and got it on the 3rd night. I thought moles did damage until a couple armadillo decided to start digging in the yard. It looks like someone swinging a pitching wedge hitting it fat where they dig.
Drowned the sucker and it wasn't easy.
I trapped my first armadillo last week. I bought a seasoned trap from Mississippi and got it on the 3rd night. I thought moles did damage until a couple armadillo decided to start digging in the yard. It looks like someone swinging a pitching wedge hitting it fat where they dig.
Drowned the sucker and it wasn't easy.
I was going to ask if the trap killed the critter or you had to. Guess you had to. I would probably drive over to Yukon and release the little bastard. I also have armadillo's and you explained it perfectly...someone with a wedge who can't hit the ball. They are definitively worse than gophers. People don't realize how fast they are either.
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I've got a damn armadillo tearing up my yard too. The previous 2 I dispatched of with my Glock and dumped them in the creek. Since that time I've had a house built on each side of me. Probably wouldn't be smart to go armadillo hunting any longer, so I've been contemplating a trap.
I was going to ask if the trap killed the critter or you had to. Guess you had to. I would probably drive over to Yukon and release the little bastard. I also have armadillo's and you explained it perfectly...someone with a wedge who can't hit the ball. They are definitively worse than gophers. People don't realize how fast they are either.
Hey wait a minute!!! We don't wan't your stinking armadillos...just go on over to El Reno, they love them there :cool:
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