Minimum Wage Magic

Am no economist, but the lefto political parasites show they know nothing about business, especially the backbone of the American economy the small business owners. What good is $15, $20 or $25 an hour if there are no jobs? Granted the purpose is to cast the workers as victims for not being paid enough, then victims for losing hours or losing a job because the business can't survive at those wages and then victims for not having enough to live on......which is the point at which the oh so gracious leftos promise more goodies and funds. Razor thin profit margins at the mom and pop shops can never support these wages, which were never meant as a living wage in the first place.

These are the same people that want to run your healthcare
These are the same people who continually say they know "what's best for America"
These are the same people in charge of your social security
These are the same people who vote on laws that you have to abide by but they don't (Bernie proved that)
What a bunch of freakin losers!

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