Middle East falling into the hands of Iran


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Apr 21, 2006
Is this an acceptable plan for the administration to hand over Middle East baby sitting duties to the Persian empire or is it really a complete train wreck of american foreign policy due to incompetence? I'm starting to think this is calculated and an opportunity for liberals to keep Israel in check due to their twisted view of the situation. I'm no fan of Israel and the way they did things post WWII, but look at the Muslim alternative. I think the Obama doctrine wants to employ Iran as a counter balance. Hope I'm wrong.
The current Iranian government is not "Persian" in any way, shape or form. Persian culture is based on Zoroarastrianism with heavy Western influence and some mild Islamic influence....the current Iranian government has tried to literally erase the mainstream Persian culture and replace it with Islamic culture. Persians are very secular and Muslim in name only, which is why about 99% of them hate their "foreign" government. But it's a situation straight out of the Hunger Games. Anyone who speaks out is thrown in jail if they're lucky and shot if they are not lucky. Iran has more journalists in jail than any other country.
President Obama is desperate for a historical legacy. He going to have one for sure but his picture is going to be next to Neville Chamberlain.

What's funny is if you look up Neville Chamberlain on Wikipedia they describe him as a "conservative" politician.
Originally posted by Headhunter:

President Obama is desperate for a historical legacy. He going to have one for sure but his picture is going to be next to Neville Chamberlain.

What's funny is if you look up Neville Chamberlain on Wikipedia they describe him as a "conservative" politician.

Where his picture is shown is the last thing we need to worry about.
It's my opinion that this is all part of his "next campaign," to take his rule bending American Exceptionalisum hating freak show to the UN where he can huddle with the rest of the American hating gang and reach some zenith as a man for all thing peace and Muslim loving. Unless someone cooks off some nerve gas or a bomb in a subway, he is going to do the very bare minimum againt ISIS, satan or Hillary, until he can "commiserate" with the rest of the left wing socialists in trying to lay all the ME problems at the feet of the west and that a lack of opportunity, you know jobs etc, are because of the west and its policies.
On a lighter note, it's rumored that jimmy carter is now printing tee shirts that have the numbers 1 & 2 on it, the #1 is crossed out and written next to the #2 it says "that's me now." Sleeps like a baby now.

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