While a great argument can be made against this practice, and acknowledging there is a cultural and religious overlap, a sharp observer might notice a few key differences. Chief among them being, men can still happily blow their load. I would argue that it's pretty sexist to equate the two in terms of lasting impact on quality of life, and maybe more importantly the purpose of it - which is to further subjugate women, as if the disgusting hijab and potato sack burka didn't do the trick already.
- "It can ensure virginity (maintain chastity before marriage)
- It can ensure fidelity during marriage
- It will increase male sexual pleasure
- It can secure or enhance fertility
- It can secure the economic and social (i.e. marital) future of daughters
- It will prevent the clitoris from growing long like a penis
- Through the reduction or elimination of the female genitalia, that this will attenuate the sexual desire in the female
- The female genitalia are considered both dirty and unsightly
- It will keep the female clean, and more hygienic
- It is an important ritual and part of the initiation of girls into womanhood
- It is 'tradition' and part of one's cultural heritage
- That it is a religious mandate -- although the practice predates both Christianity and Islam"
And hell, if chopping off their clit doesn't do the trick, there's always honor killing to safely fall back on.