Now it goes through the will it stick test. Tom brokaw and Ryan seacrests accusers are long forgotten. Garrison keeler lost his job but no one knows who that is. Maybe the violence aspect will make it stick.
Now it goes through the will it stick test. Tom brokaw and Ryan seacrests accusers are long forgotten. Garrison keeler lost his job but no one knows who that is. Maybe the violence aspect will make it stick.

You know how there are 'death pools'? Surely there are 'sexual assault pools', right? Anyways, I wonder what kind of odds you could have gotten on Garrison Keillor, fondling on Lake Wobegon
Put up or shut up on the video. Unless she used BleachBit, like Hildebitch, someone should be able to locate the alleged video on her computer as he son claims. The woman isn't doing herself any favors by admitting to having to "leak more text and info" belonging to her son.

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