Meltdown of the Democrat Establishment...


MegaPoke is insane
Sep 25, 2006

If they only knew the comment only solidified the electorate's distaste for the liberal establishment, they might be able to mount a credible battle for their demise in 2018.

Dumbasses think an apology for the disgust the liberal elites have shown toward the backbone of this country during the last 8 years of 0bama can even slightly mitigate the rejection of the majority of this country. 2018 will affirm what the voters have voted for during the past 6 years.

Liberals better find the perfect black Islamic apologist, Mexican immigrant, transsexual female without any connection to politics before 2018 or the Trump supporters may rule the government for the next 20 years.
haha you think Mook? Dumbasses, but hey we need them to continue to be Nan saying she doesn't think their voters "want a change in direction." Ironically I don't either! By all means keep catering to the fringe of the liberal elites, media, environmentalist and identity politics. It has worked so well these last couple of cycles.

If Trump can do half the things he has said, the libs will be in a wilderness for decades and the hard core libs (socialists) will be at the bottom feeders on the food chain of politics. Just please please please make sure KE is the new head of the DNC!

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