Me - 20 Wasps 0


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jun 2, 2001
Holy crap with it being 91 yesterday I guess it fired up the wasps that had decided to make my front entrance their resting place for the winter. Came home last night to about 20 of those suckers buzzing around. The problem was the entrance is about 25 feet high and all the sprays could only make it 20 feet. I'm glad no one was watching as I climbed the later fired off a stream of liquid death and then jumped and ran away as they attacked. Eventually finished them off and my front entrance looks like wasp graveyard. Man, I hate those things.
Well done sir. One of those little bastards stung me on the ear in 3rd grade and I've wished them nothing but death and despair ever since
They are fools! They have come back for another round, the same fate will befall them as their brothers before them!!!
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I shut a cattle gate when I was 17 after letting the truck through and there was a nest in the metal post where I slammed it shut. It was summer and I was wearing a sleeveless tee. The whole gang laid into me and about 4-6 of them got into my shirt through the arm holes and stung me over and over again while I was rolling around on the ground stop, drop, and roll style like I was on fire. I couldn't get them out. We counted over 20 stings the next day. Top 3 most painful moment of my life, easily.
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About a month ago, I came through the gate between the back yard and driveway, and all hell broke loose. Turns out there was a nest ok red wasps behind the post on the left and a nest of yellow/black ones on the right. Slammed the gate behind me and I was suddenly in the midst of a wasp cloud. Spnent about a week tried to find all the nests and eradicating them. The nests were between wood post and fence, and they were difficult to locate and get a straight shot with spray.
Last summer I was cleaning the gutters when and orange wasp freaking darted right into my temple and stung me twice. I have the wood Box Car siding for the ceiling on my porch and they found a hole where a knot in the wood is located. I can't get rid of them. There has to be a massive nest in the celing of my back porch.
I shut a cattle gate when I was 17 after letting the truck through and there was a nest in the metal post where I slammed it shut. It was summer and I was wearing a sleeveless tee. The whole gang laid into me and about 4-6 of them got into my shirt through the arm holes and stung me over and over again while I was rolling around on the ground stop, drop, and roll style like I was on fire. I couldn't get them out. We counted over 20 stings the next day. Top 3 most painful moment of my life, easily.

Jesus, what were the OTHER top 2 painful moments??
I'm going to guess the Brent Parker drop in the endzone was one of them.

Man these little bastards don't give up, kind of admire them for that. Took out another 10 on the second go around and went back up there again this morning and they were huddled there again all peaceful. Pained me a little to douse them again in liquid death.
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When a wasp stings you, they leave a pheromone marker in their venom. That way other wasps can identify you as a threat and also take turns lighting you up.

I was helping a buddy of mine with his landscape business back in the day and I ran over a bunch of wasps (yellow jackets) that make their nests in the ground. Next thing I know, I'm getting stung right and left all the while trying to figure out how to stop the big commercial walk-behind mower I was operating so it didn't take out a fence and do a lot of damage.

I had massive welts up to the size of dinner plates all over my body and had to go to the hospital to get antihistamine and steroid shots to try and counter the venom. Spent the next two days swollen up and itching like crazy.
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Holy crap with it being 91 yesterday I guess it fired up the wasps that had decided to make my front entrance their resting place for the winter. Came home last night to about 20 of those suckers buzzing around. The problem was the entrance is about 25 feet high and all the sprays could only make it 20 feet. I'm glad no one was watching as I climbed the later fired off a stream of liquid death and then jumped and ran away as they attacked. Eventually finished them off and my front entrance looks like wasp graveyard. Man, I hate those things.
My mother in law lives in a 2 story condo in Richardson and they have been getting into her place for years, this time of year. We were there last weekend and I cannot find where they're coming in from. How were yours getting in?
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My mother in law lives in a 2 story condo in richardson and she they have been getting in her place for years, this time of year. We were there last weekend and I cannot find where they're coming in from. How were yours getting in?

I live close to Richardson (North Dallas). A few years back, we had an issue (different house than now), where they would start appearing in the house this time of year, on an annual basis. I always figured they were coming in through the chimney, since now is the time that we would open the flue. I figured we had some kind of nest high in the chimney, and as it got cold outside, they were attracted to the heat down below.
My mother in law lives in a 2 story condo in Richardson and they have been getting into her place for years, this time of year. We were there last weekend and I cannot find where they're coming in from. How were yours getting in?

They don't need much space to get in but at my house, there is an outdoor light over my front door and they get into the attic and then the find other light fixtures to crawl through to actually get in the house.
Bumping this for my Wd-40 recommendation. I’ve killed close to 75 this year most coming out of one spot in the well house. The biggest massacre they just kept coming and would get it on their wings where I coated their exit. This went on for ten minutes. Every time I tried to walk off, another big red bastard would stumble out and I would blast him.
Bumping this for my Wd-40 recommendation. I’ve killed close to 75 this year most coming out of one spot in the well house. The biggest massacre they just kept coming and would get it on their wings where I coated their exit. This went on for ten minutes. Every time I tried to walk off, another big red bastard would stumble out and I would blast him.
My God, how satisfying! I could do this all day.
Last year we had a huge nest of mud daubers in the hollow part of this white plastic fence around the pool. There is pretty much only one way in, on the end without a cap, so I wrapped a tube sock around the shop vac, jammed it in the open end, flipped it on and had my kids whack on the fence with pool noodles like it was going out of style. That was a hoot; a gooey mess to clean out of my shop vac, but fun nonetheless.
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Last summer I was cleaning the gutters when and orange wasp freaking darted right into my temple and stung me twice. I have the wood Box Car siding for the ceiling on my porch and they found a hole where a knot in the wood is located. I can't get rid of them. There has to be a massive nest in the celing of my back porch.

I’d just let it go. They will probably get bored and move on.

I was hoping for some kind of explosion or at least a fire but I guess he had a bunch of stuff in there.

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