Matt drudge 1998

Listened to about the first third of it. Good stuff. His last two jobs before starting the Drudge Report were working at a 7-Eleven in DC and as a low-level Clerk for CBS in California. Had the vision to start the Drudge Report and the courage to keep it going against the criticisms of those who preferred their secrets being kept by the old guard fascist corporate media.
Listened to about the first third of it. Good stuff. His last two jobs before starting the Drudge Report were working at a 7-Eleven in DC and as a low-level Clerk for CBS in California. Had the vision to start the Drudge Report and the courage to keep it going against the criticisms of those who preferred their secrets being kept by the old guard fascist corporate media.
Surprised he hasn't been 'Clintoned'.

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