The irony being they are/they have fled a country who’s governments have been failing for decades, only to run to the US and overwhelming poll out as wanting the government to take care of them, their problems and welfare. As is the case with most people like that they will fall for every promise, every handout and every law that they perceive as helping them, while turning over more and more of their basic freedoms to the government. See a pattern?
Brazil is the classic case of where this strategy leads. Were it not for her parents, son & his wife and a few friends my wife would never go back if she had the choice.
The new presumed mexicunt Pres has this to say
“And soon, very soon — after the victory of our movement — we will defend all the migrants in the American continent and all the migrants in the world,” Obrador said, adding that immigrants “must leave their towns and find a life in the United States.”
You think his corrupt government will do anything to stop the flow of illegals from any countries? Without repatriated USD Mexico is a gigantic failed country, with rampant corruption, a government who cares about as much for their poor as the KKK cares/cares for minorities/Catholics and who’s lawlessness posses a clear danger for the US.
Mexico thinks we stole the SW from them, he’ll maybe we did but if they still owned it, would it resemble the thriving areas it does now or resemble the shit hole country of Mexico?
One way or another the continued allowance of people who want to be government depends, are undereducated (or not educated st all), don’t speak English and have very few paths to success for at least one or two generations is a receipt for disaster. Add to that they are cowards for running from their country of birth because of adversity, instead of staying and fighting back. Sickening really.