Magnatone CEO Threatens Trump Assassination

I missed that he threatened to kill the President but is predicting he takes a bullet in the next 100 days. Disgusting to say, not sure I have the words to project how wrong this is, I am sure someone older than me perhaps could remember a more hateful time in this country. Mainstream media is going to spur on some hate deaths at the rate this going. We are headed to severe violence. Pisses me off because I thought this country was better than that. Company heads are ok joking about this? Disgusting...
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I think the fact its a business CEO that bothers me the most. I know there are morons/extremists on both sides who aren't articulate enough to have a real debate/discussion. But for the most part, I disregard those individuals as loons (on both sides). It scares me when these loons are the CEOs.
I missed that he threatened to kill the President but is predicting he takes a bullet in the next 100 days. Disgusting to say, not sure I have the words to project how wrong this is, I am sure someone older than me perhaps could remember a more hateful time in this country. Mainstream media is going to spur on some hate deaths at the rate this going. We are headed to severe violence. Pisses me off because I thought this country was better than that. Company heads are ok joking about this? Disgusting...
The Vietnam War period was similar although it didn't have the degree of property destruction we see now. It did, however, have lots of attacks on servicemen returning home from overseas with spitting on them and name calling. One of the closest to what is occurring now was the Chicago democrat convention in 1968. Back then the Chicago police actually bashed skulls in rather than encouraging the protestors. There was also lots of violence in the Civil Rights riots of the 60's and the integration/busing of the late 60s-early 70s. Ironically, the south was accused of being the most racist part of the nation yet it was predominately northern cities like Detroit, Cleveland, etc. where most of the big riots happened as well as Boston being prominent in the busing protests.
The Vietnam War period was similar although it didn't have the degree of property destruction we see now. It did, however, have lots of attacks on servicemen returning home from overseas with spitting on them and name calling. One of the closest to what is occurring now was the Chicago democrat convention in 1968. Back then the Chicago police actually bashed skulls in rather than encouraging the protestors. There was also lots of violence in the Civil Rights riots of the 60's and the integration/busing of the late 60s-early 70s. Ironically, the south was accused of being the most racist part of the nation yet it was predominately northern cities like Detroit, Cleveland, etc. where most of the big riots happened as well as Boston being prominent in the busing protests.
Good history reminder. Back in those days the protests were just a bit more organic, I believe. Certainly there were instigators and organisers of the protesting events back then, but today you have people getting paid cold hard cash to go out and raise hell. Lots of manufacturing going on that doesn't represent the people necessarily. And lots of fake news to make it look organic.
The Vietnam War period was similar although it didn't have the degree of property destruction we see now. It did, however, have lots of attacks on servicemen returning home from overseas with spitting on them and name calling. One of the closest to what is occurring now was the Chicago democrat convention in 1968. Back then the Chicago police actually bashed skulls in rather than encouraging the protestors. There was also lots of violence in the Civil Rights riots of the 60's and the integration/busing of the late 60s-early 70s. Ironically, the south was accused of being the most racist part of the nation yet it was predominately northern cities like Detroit, Cleveland, etc. where most of the big riots happened as well as Boston being prominent in the busing protests.

I was 7 in 1968, I saw the news and it looked bad but I was not old enough to emotionally or logically digest it all.
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Good history reminder. Back in those days the protests were just a bit more organic, I believe. Certainly there were instigators and organisers of the protesting events back then, but today you have people getting paid cold hard cash to go out and raise hell. Lots of manufacturing going on that doesn't represent the people necessarily. And lots of fake news to make it look organic.
Only radio, 3 TV networks to show the protests and no internet, social media or 24-hour news channels to rally the troops. No cellphones and LD calls cost a lot.
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The Vietnam War period was similar although it didn't have the degree of property destruction we see now. It did, however, have lots of attacks on servicemen returning home from overseas with spitting on them and name calling. One of the closest to what is occurring now was the Chicago democrat convention in 1968. Back then the Chicago police actually bashed skulls in rather than encouraging the protestors. There was also lots of violence in the Civil Rights riots of the 60's and the integration/busing of the late 60s-early 70s. Ironically, the south was accused of being the most racist part of the nation yet it was predominately northern cities like Detroit, Cleveland, etc. where most of the big riots happened as well as Boston being prominent in the busing protests.

I lived through all that to but this is nothing like that. These idiots are doing this based on nothing but..well, based on some kind of hate. No one is doing anything to them to cause this. It's just being encouraged by the wrong kind of Americans.
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I missed that he threatened to kill the President but is predicting he takes a bullet in the next 100 days....


Just like when Trump said, joked(?) that 2nd amendment nuts might assassinate Hillary if she won.

I doubt that rustled this boards jimmies at all though.
The difference between now and the 60s/early 70s is that back then if asked any protester could tell you why they were protesting. Now most or a lot of them have no idea why they are they are there.

Of course back then you did not have a billionaire giving millions of dollars to groups to stir the pot and create chaos so he can make money off of it.
I missed that he threatened to kill the President but is predicting he takes a bullet in the next 100 days. Disgusting to say, not sure I have the words to project how wrong this is, I am sure someone older than me perhaps could remember a more hateful time in this country. Mainstream media is going to spur on some hate deaths at the rate this going. We are headed to severe violence. Pisses me off because I thought this country was better than that. Company heads are ok joking about this? Disgusting...
We're you equally out raged when BHO was burned and lynched in effigy? No accusation, serious question.
For those who would deny this ever happened:
The Vietnam War period was similar although it didn't have the degree of property destruction we see now. It did, however, have lots of attacks on servicemen returning home from overseas with spitting on them and name calling. One of the closest to what is occurring now was the Chicago democrat convention in 1968. Back then the Chicago police actually bashed skulls in rather than encouraging the protestors. There was also lots of violence in the Civil Rights riots of the 60's and the integration/busing of the late 60s-early 70s. Ironically, the south was accused of being the most racist part of the nation yet it was predominately northern cities like Detroit, Cleveland, etc. where most of the big riots happened as well as Boston being prominent in the busing protests.

Thanks for playing the age card for us, you old fart.:p
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We're you equally out raged when BHO was burned and lynched in effigy? No accusation, serious question.

I got active on this political board after the inauguration. About 12 years or so ago I stopped watching ALL mainstream media, left, right you name it. I told anyone that would listen that in this country we get fed propaganda just like the Russians, they get one version and we get 2 versions heavily biased to each party.

When Obama was elected I had a bunch friends I knew that were upset, I told them point blank he was President and we needed to pray he did a great job because that would be good for us and hope he does so well he earns your vote next round .

Obviously, just channel clicking you absorob some news. My routine in my life has always been to read the sports news first each day and that started at a really young age. I listened to sports talk radio during the day. Only thing I made time to follow was sports and I invested time on this Board.

The end of Bush era was a man asleep at the wheel and I had no faith in Obama, I was really depressed on the direction of the country both politically and the media, I was of the opinion the media was doing more harm than good. So I checked out, hoped Obama did a good job. I grew up with parents that were old enough to be my grandparents because I was adopted. I was raised to respect the flag and the office of the President. I can tell you without reservation burning any President's image in effigy or lynching does not sit well with me. It is unamerican and I believe burning the flag is as well. No, I was not vocal about it because in Bush's administration had checked out and I discussed politics the least of anyone I know, just did not want to go there. I was not vocal because I was not vocal about anything political. I started watching mainstream media again leading up to the election primarily to watch the debates. I was appalled how bad things are today, the networks are a joke.

I liked Trump's message because he was breaking down PC, which I believe is critical to identifying issues and debating them honestly. I also believe the media is ruining this country, our youth today are not critical thinkers and easily swayed by media. I am enjoying the big FU Trump is giving the media. Most importantly I liked Trump on the issues and I wanted him naming the next Judgecto the SC. I wanted every politician in Washington voted out 4 years ago, we need to move the country forward.

You asked your question politely and hopefully the length of my answer shows my respect to your question, but it is a little difficult to not find it a little bothersome to find the need to ask it.

My assumption would be no one on this board would approve that imagery towards BHO. I am also going to assume no one on this board would approve similar treatmenf of DJT.

Part of the issue here also is the egging on of additional violence and using Trump as a lightning rod, becasue it looks to me like it will not be DJT getting a bullet, but a civilian in the wrong place at the wrong time. Eventually if it gets nasty enough, people are going to be killed if the hate continues.
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Appreciate the comments @OKSTATE1 - Trump has artfully played the tough guy card, to the point of encouraging physical violence against protesters- any call for peace by Trump, and frankly his supporters, without acknowledging these past sins rings hollow.
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For those who want to contest the fact of Trump advocating violence:

I come in peace, I really do, but this is an example of reporting that frames a topic with real no support.

The first 2 accusations were not Trump and referenced interviewed for one accusation and investigated in the other with no conclusion or finding on guilt or innocence. Being interviewed and investigated does not make you guilty, you would assume if a finding of fact had happened it would have been reported. You asked me a touchy question earlier, just asking me did not make me guilty. Again, no direct comments from Trump.

The next instance for Trump is a radio show that is guilt by association with no actual words from Trump, prior comments from the host, not comments by Trump.
Should he have vetted more? Probably, but he is trying to win an election against an opponent that had far more money to campaign on.

The next paragraph references words from Trump supporters, not Trump and those comments not appropriate.

Next comment is uncited and unnamed sources of hateful comments. Sports Illustrated writers would be proud.

This is why I hate the media. DA, the night Trump was inaugurated I did not think it was right FOX was openly cheering Trump and taking a big victory lap with him.

Frankly, I am probably going to be checking out again in terms of following this BS because who can really be trusted in the media? Everything is filtered to obtain a political end. I also can back off having confidence we are headed in the right direction, I will hear the news whenever I hear it. I think a lot of this country needs a vacation from this vitroil, I know I do.

I do believe Trump can definately be an arrogant prick, but I am ok with that if he fills his promises and does not do anything illegal or do something so morally corrupt he shames the country.

If this is coming down to apologies post election it is not coming from either party. If it comes down to someone taking the high road first we are in trouble. This is Hatfield and McCoy stuff.

Candidate Trump became the President just like Obama. I always have respected the Office of the Presidency while Obama was in office and prior (Bush did nothing 2nd term but I respected the office), I did not hate the man but I hated his policies. Can we all just agree burning the flag and threatening to kill or bomb the sitting President is unamerican? Men and women have died protecting that flag and following the orders of the Commander in Chief, good President or not, men and women dies for that CIC.

Appreciate the thoughts, be interesting to see what things look like in a year, including the media. Media IMO now is worse than the politicians, they are suppose to keep the politicians honest and now we need someone to keep them honest. What to do? Tune out media, see what happens, and evaluate results on your own.
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