I come in peace, I really do, but this is an example of reporting that frames a topic with real no support.
The first 2 accusations were not Trump and referenced interviewed for one accusation and investigated in the other with no conclusion or finding on guilt or innocence. Being interviewed and investigated does not make you guilty, you would assume if a finding of fact had happened it would have been reported. You asked me a touchy question earlier, just asking me did not make me guilty. Again, no direct comments from Trump.
The next instance for Trump is a radio show that is guilt by association with no actual words from Trump, prior comments from the host, not comments by Trump.
Should he have vetted more? Probably, but he is trying to win an election against an opponent that had far more money to campaign on.
The next paragraph references words from Trump supporters, not Trump and those comments not appropriate.
Next comment is uncited and unnamed sources of hateful comments. Sports Illustrated writers would be proud.
This is why I hate the media. DA, the night Trump was inaugurated I did not think it was right FOX was openly cheering Trump and taking a big victory lap with him.
Frankly, I am probably going to be checking out again in terms of following this BS because who can really be trusted in the media? Everything is filtered to obtain a political end. I also can back off having confidence we are headed in the right direction, I will hear the news whenever I hear it. I think a lot of this country needs a vacation from this vitroil, I know I do.
I do believe Trump can definately be an arrogant prick, but I am ok with that if he fills his promises and does not do anything illegal or do something so morally corrupt he shames the country.
If this is coming down to apologies post election it is not coming from either party. If it comes down to someone taking the high road first we are in trouble. This is Hatfield and McCoy stuff.
Candidate Trump became the President just like Obama. I always have respected the Office of the Presidency while Obama was in office and prior (Bush did nothing 2nd term but I respected the office), I did not hate the man but I hated his policies. Can we all just agree burning the flag and threatening to kill or bomb the sitting President is unamerican? Men and women have died protecting that flag and following the orders of the Commander in Chief, good President or not, men and women dies for that CIC.
Appreciate the thoughts, be interesting to see what things look like in a year, including the media. Media IMO now is worse than the politicians, they are suppose to keep the politicians honest and now we need someone to keep them honest. What to do? Tune out media, see what happens, and evaluate results on your own.