Wow. Is that from the History Channel?

This is Doug Flutie now.

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my mom worked for the original generals owners daughter

funny being a 12 year old kid reading the weekly SI and saying
"mom mr duncan signed herschel walker!"
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I would like to see a White, Catholic player kneel in protest and when asked why, tell them to protest against a country that allows the murder of babies. Talk about a media crapstorm.

Amen! The only thing missing from you visual is Rachael Madcow choking his chicken, or better yet, choking on his chicken.
Amen! The only thing missing from you visual is Rachael Madcow choking his chicken, or better yet, choking on his chicken.
Careful. You're going to confused the gender confused on this board. Several people here think Rachel/Ralph is a Webkin. I'd label these folks, but they've already labeled themselves.
Careful. You're going to confused the gender confused on this board. Several people here think Rachel/Ralph is a Webkin. I'd label these folks, but they've already labeled themselves.

Maybe some help for the whatevers:

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Great big meh....

Willing to bet you continue to sit during the NA this coming Sunday.
Nope. Will be driving from the greatest of all time cities Stillwater, Oklahoma to the very beautiful East Texas.

Well I guess you are right. I will be sitting.
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