What a special has been she is. Left leaning folks, this is why more and more ordinary people, the kind that 0bama relied on and Hillary needed, are completely tuning out the left and their bleating cries. Being louder and more obnoxious isn't going to win folks over. It really won't. The Nov 8 results are a great barometer.
Part of me wants someone to step up and lead them out of their self imposed terror because Trump and this Republican legislature need a credible opposition party to keep them honest. The other part chuckles and can't wait to see further implosion of the Democrats in 2018.
What a special has been she is. Left leaning folks, this is why more and more ordinary people, the kind that 0bama relied on and Hillary needed, are completely tuning out the left and their bleating cries. Being louder and more obnoxious isn't going to win folks over. It really won't. The Nov 8 results are a great barometer.
Part of me wants someone to step up and lead them out of their self imposed terror because Trump and this Republican legislature need a credible opposition party to keep them honest. The other part chuckles and can't wait to see further implosion of the Democrats in 2018.