"Dear MoveOn member,
On Wednesday, I had the opportunity to attend CNN’s Climate Crisis presidential town hall, where—along with millions watching around the world—I got to hear the leading Democratic candidates discussing their plans to face down the climate crisis.
This was an unprecedented event: the first time a major TV network hosted a primetime presidential forum dedicated solely to the climate crisis. But it didn’t just happen on its own. It took months of pressure from the Sunrise Movement, US Youth Climate Strike, and other youth-led groups to force climate change to the top of the agenda.
The discussion was invaluable, but it’s also time for action.
And in just two weeks, we’ll have a chance to take action all across the country by joining the Climate Strike—thousands of actions across the United States and around the world led, in part, by the younger generation of activists who are driving this discussion and who helped force Wednesday’s town hall into being.
On Friday, September 20, thousands of people will strike for the climate—walking out of school and work—and let politicians know that we can’t wait any longer for them to act. Find a Climate Strike event in your community and sign up to attend here.
MoveOn members continue to play a critical role in the fight to tackle climate change. We’ve been early supporters of the Green New Deal, partners in lifting up the demand for a climate debate, and now, we’re joining Climate Strike actions across the U.S.
Groups like the Sunrise Movement and US Youth Climate Strike have been doing the work of organizing young people and developing them into leaders of this movement, and we’re glad to be partnering with them and supporting their work.
We saw the results of these collective efforts on Wednesday, when the leading Democratic candidates committed to making climate action a priority in their potential future administrations. But we can’t wait until after the 2020 elections to start tackling the existential crisis facing human life on this planet. We need politicians to start taking action now.
Let’s show them how seriously we’re taking the climate crisis—and how seriously we’ll oppose any candidate or politician who doesn’t take immediate action to address it. See if there’s a Climate Strike event happening near you on Friday, September 20, and sign up to join.
Thanks for all you do.
–Mohammad, David, Scott, Sara, and the rest of the team"
On Wednesday, I had the opportunity to attend CNN’s Climate Crisis presidential town hall, where—along with millions watching around the world—I got to hear the leading Democratic candidates discussing their plans to face down the climate crisis.
This was an unprecedented event: the first time a major TV network hosted a primetime presidential forum dedicated solely to the climate crisis. But it didn’t just happen on its own. It took months of pressure from the Sunrise Movement, US Youth Climate Strike, and other youth-led groups to force climate change to the top of the agenda.
The discussion was invaluable, but it’s also time for action.
And in just two weeks, we’ll have a chance to take action all across the country by joining the Climate Strike—thousands of actions across the United States and around the world led, in part, by the younger generation of activists who are driving this discussion and who helped force Wednesday’s town hall into being.
On Friday, September 20, thousands of people will strike for the climate—walking out of school and work—and let politicians know that we can’t wait any longer for them to act. Find a Climate Strike event in your community and sign up to attend here.
MoveOn members continue to play a critical role in the fight to tackle climate change. We’ve been early supporters of the Green New Deal, partners in lifting up the demand for a climate debate, and now, we’re joining Climate Strike actions across the U.S.
Groups like the Sunrise Movement and US Youth Climate Strike have been doing the work of organizing young people and developing them into leaders of this movement, and we’re glad to be partnering with them and supporting their work.
We saw the results of these collective efforts on Wednesday, when the leading Democratic candidates committed to making climate action a priority in their potential future administrations. But we can’t wait until after the 2020 elections to start tackling the existential crisis facing human life on this planet. We need politicians to start taking action now.
Let’s show them how seriously we’re taking the climate crisis—and how seriously we’ll oppose any candidate or politician who doesn’t take immediate action to address it. See if there’s a Climate Strike event happening near you on Friday, September 20, and sign up to join.
Thanks for all you do.
–Mohammad, David, Scott, Sara, and the rest of the team"