Lol Biff doesn't approve!

Strange coincidence how Republicans withheld committee testimony transcripts from Mueller. I’m sure it was an honest mistake...
Similar to how Comey, Lynch, Mueller, Holder, et al withheld documents from Congress.
Are you the new guy from the temp agency? The last several haven't lasted very long. I hope you don't suck as much as they did.
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He didn't sound furious this morning. Sounded pretty calm and dismissive.

@Syskatine you do realize this new action by Schiff is specifically because russia is a dry well and they need something to suck up it's oxygen right? Did you even slow down to shift gears?

My bad, I keep forgetting this is all Biff's mastery.
At some point it's kind of hard to argue against it if you think logically. The guy doesn't have a scratch on him.

Buddy there's NO arguing against your obsessive worship of the corrupt dumbass. He's done nothing. All he's done is rubber stamp the GOP Congress. Have I missed some signature achievement?
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Buddy there's NO arguing against your obsessive worship of the corrupt dumbass. He's done nothing. All he's done is rubber stamp the GOP Congress. Have I missed some signature achievement?

Obsessive worship my Hyperbole? Nope. Just happy with the job my government employee is doing. He's killing it. I posted an 8 page list of his accomplishments not long ago. Not gonna look it up for you again.

Rubber stamp from the GOP congress..... most of whom originally were (and many still are) never trump neocons? You are not the sharpest knife in the lamp.
The new RNPC buzzwords have hit the wires. #PresidentialHarassement

What would you call it? Schitt is literally creating committees to look for crimes - not investigate them. Is there any part of your original lizard brain that realizes this is unAmerican?

It won’t sell.

Collusion is dead and with it, the gaslighting bullshit that’s fueled it. Gross miscalculation to assume people will support new witch hunts just because you stupidly believed the last one.

You are getting over your skis here.
So nut up and do it. My theory is you are full of shit and can’t articulate a conspiracy theory I can’t nuke.

Prove me wrong.
What would you call it? Schitt is literally creating committees to look for crimes - not investigate them. Is there any part of your original lizard brain that realizes this is unAmerican?

It won’t sell.

Collusion is dead and with it, the gaslighting bullshit that’s fueled it. Gross miscalculation to assume people will support new witch hunts just because you stupidly believed the last one.

You are getting over your skis here.
Projection. Prove me wrong.
Before adjourning, Jackson took an apparent shot at Mueller's team and said she appreciated Manafort's attendance, having denied his attempt to skip the hearing because of logistical concerns and what he says are health challenges.

"I believe it was very helpful, very useful and very important for you to have been here, Mr. Manafort," Jackson said. "I know that we've had hearings where counsel sought to minimize the burden on you and not have you be here, but this is about you, it's not about them. And I think it's very important that they have you available to ask questions to."?????????

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