Inky29 Heisman Candidate Gold Member Jun 2, 2001 9,703 7,336 113 May 7, 2018 #1 I mean the news and commitments are either coming fast and furious or some a-hole has but a crimp in the hose and cut off the water, just waiting for me to put my face over the end then drown me again. I hate the off season.
I mean the news and commitments are either coming fast and furious or some a-hole has but a crimp in the hose and cut off the water, just waiting for me to put my face over the end then drown me again. I hate the off season.
Kenny Orange Powers Heisman Winner Jul 23, 2014 17,175 51,954 113 May 7, 2018 #2 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view. Reactions: BiloxiPoke and Inky29
EvilPOKES MegaPoke is insane Gold Member Apr 23, 2008 24,349 17,074 113 Earth May 7, 2018 #3 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view. Reactions: TPOKE, Pokefan88, KCMOrange and 1 other person