What other experts do you have that counters this?
The union that represents 16,000 Border Patrol agents is throwing its weight behind Donald Trump. That is a first for the National Border Patrol Council, which has never endorsed a candidate in the primaries before. The union says it's doing so now because, quote, "we need a person in the White House who doesn't fear the media, doesn't embrace political correctness and doesn't need the money." Well, the president of the Border Patrol Council is Brandon Judd. He told me he's been talking with Donald Trump, including about that wall Trump wants to build on the border with Mexico.
The union that represents 16,000 Border Patrol agents is throwing its weight behind Donald Trump. That is a first for the National Border Patrol Council, which has never endorsed a candidate in the primaries before. The union says it's doing so now because, quote, "we need a person in the White House who doesn't fear the media, doesn't embrace political correctness and doesn't need the money." Well, the president of the Border Patrol Council is Brandon Judd. He told me he's been talking with Donald Trump, including about that wall Trump wants to build on the border with Mexico.