You don’t know what’s good for you. We know what’s good for you.
You don’t know what’s good for you. We know what’s good for you.
LOL turn on the tv or pick up a paper. Conservatives are trying like hell to kill the weed legalization vote.
Totally ignore Oklahoma -- right outside your window -- and look to.... Connecticut for an example.
Remember the east German female swim teams is the 70s.....
Killing the weed bill is stupid, no doubt. But it pales in comparison to allowing biological males compete vs females in sports and thinking it is “fair.” The biological male in the article who thinks he is a female looks like a high school WR recruit. It is total insanity.
I’m genuinely curious if you, @davidallen @CSCOTTOSUPOKES think this is ok.
I see both sides. I don't know precisely what a transexual is in this deal or how that impacts athletic performance, either. I don't know enough about it to form an educated opinion.
Playing devil's advocate at first blush, should a natural-born female with higher testosterone than her counterparts be banned? What about a female that takes HGH or or some other supplement be banned? Which ones are okay and which aren't? What about a female that has superior access to nutrition, supplements and personal coaches over her competitors? I'm just trying to figure out which advantages are okay and which aren't. That, and I don't really trust wingnuts to present that issue in a way that's even remotely intellectually honest, so I have no opinion. WHen lance armstrong was winning everything, he'd had chemo for testicular cancer and one of the drugs they frequently give in chemo helps replenish red blood cells. I thought at the time if there wasn't some type of sustained advantage if he stayed on that stuff, but even if he did, would it be wrong?
I can't figure out the OP though. If we do a lib vs. con overlay on this it seems the "government" seeking to regulate conduct is a conservative influence restricting the activities of a lib.
LOL turn on the tv or pick up a paper. Conservatives are trying like hell to kill the weed legalization vote.
Totally ignore Oklahoma -- right outside your window -- and look to.... Connecticut for an example.
And several other East German "female" athletes whose testosterone injections resulted in their clitorises growing into small penises. Of course, there was a trade off---the faster they ran the better it felt.Remember the east German female swim teams is the 70s.....
My question was is it ok for a biological male (who naturally will be bigger, stronger and faster than the vast majority of females and nevermind that the male in question here looks like a D1 WR recruit) to compete against females in your opinion?
It is called life and life isn't fair.
I keep seeing the thread title "Liberals are like chicken."
Well, you just answered your own question.
I am still waiting for you to answer “is it ok for a biological male to compete against biological woman” instead of skirting the question. A simple yes/no answer will suffice.
I am still waiting for you to answer “is it ok for a biological male to compete against biological woman” instead of skirting the question. A simple yes/no answer will suffice.
Why doesn't your doctrine of "It is called life and life isn't fair" cover this one?
So then if the rules say that biological males must compete as male and biological females as female, then we'll call it as "life isn't fair".
Why doesn't your doctrine of "It is called life and life isn't fair" cover this one?
If a person can choose which category (male or female) they want to be part of, why do we have separate categories? Maybe we should ban women and men exclusive activities (ins't segregation in this manner sexist anyhow), and just say suck it up and be better. Then no one can care if Ze runs or doesn't because the categorization will have been eliminated.
Maybe so, I dont' know. Why do we have to require everyone to fit in a category at all? I intuitively don't enjoy the exercise of telling someone what "category" they will belong to. Unlike conservative authoritarians.
Why do we have to require everyone to fit in a category at all?