Let's talk about Trump's makeup.


May 29, 2001
Like... not his personal substance - which is something everyone should look at. I'm talking about the actual makeup he puts on his face for TV.

I live orange, just like the rest of you. But Trump's orange face (except for his eyes and ears) is just off-putting. Terribly off-putting. I realize you need makeup for TV, and those of you who know much about me - feel free to make jokes about my hypocrisy on makeup - but his TV makeup looks like it was done literally by himself or a blind person. Perhaps an impressionist makeup artist. not sure.

What the hell is the deal?

It's one of a thousand insane data points in the guy. Threads could be devoted to his hair. In his prime, David Lee Roth never used as much spray. Zsa Zsa Gabor never had such elaborate swirls. He bankrupted, razed, philandered and bragged for 30 years. There are 100's of things that would be a scandal for anyone else.

He isn't getting elected either, so....
Damn, he's on now and that's one sick freakin' orange!:eek:
It's one of a thousand insane data points in the guy. Threads could be devoted to his hair. In his prime, David Lee Roth never used as much spray. Zsa Zsa Gabor never had such elaborate swirls. He bankrupted, razed, philandered and bragged for 30 years. There are 100's of things that would be a scandal for anyone else.

He isn't getting elected either, so....
He's still more attractive than the Cankled Vagina Pantsuitasauras Rex in the race for President, beauty pageant, less likely to resemble rotten pastrami..., etc.

A highly decomposed catfish has more appeal than HilLIARy, except when it comes to Democrat voting carp.
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