Let our family build your familys home


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Feb 5, 2003
turns out someone with the company of Richardson homes just got indicted for storing stolen merchandise and then selling it. This has to be the guy that does the ads with his daughter...well, I think she does the ads by herself now. That may all be coming to an end.

"The owner of a widely known Oklahoma builder of high-dollar homes has been indicted by a federal grand jury.

Dennis Lee, owner of Richardson Homes LLC, is accused of involvement in a stolen property ring.

The grand jury alleges Lee, 43, of Newcastle, allowed property stolen in other states to be stored at a Richardson Homes' site in Oklahoma City until the property could be resold. Five others were accused in the indictment of involvement.

One pleaded guilty Wednesday to conspiracy, admitting she had been a lookout and helped load stolen property that was brought back to Richardson Homes."
Their homes are junk. I know several who thought they were going cheap and let theM build their home. Everyone has been unhappy with the crappy construction.
We moved into a custom home about a year ago (not built by Richardson). I wish the only complaint that I had about my builder was him storing stolen merchandise in it. You guys wouldn't believe the BS he has put us through. I'd love to go into details, but my lawyer probably wouldn't approve.
Shawn Forth is a great builder and fellow Poke in OKC. I know Paul Duren is building homes in OKC but I have no reference.

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