Cowboy RTC and the next quad

What does the RTC team look like, weight by weight, right now? Throw in some of the rumored wrestlers that may be moving in too! Just curious to see what the team looks like weight by weight, non-olympic year weights.
@tom_v31 ill also add that it’s the wrestler and the system that makes it exciting. I’ve watched plenty of small guys tie up and not do much. Hell BT was at 174 last year and may have been as bad to watch as KDoucet. It’s a style thing. I don’t see that being a problem under DT. The guys he’ll eye as recruits and how he’ll coach them will be exciting imo
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What does the RTC team look like, weight by weight, right now? Throw in some of the rumored wrestlers that may be moving in too! Just curious to see what the team looks like weight by weight, non-olympic year weights.

57 - USA is Fix and Mexico is RBY
65 - Yianni is Greece and we will see a young gun from the USA (big recruit)
74 - Dake is too big, but he’s there for now. Hamiti will also train here probably.
86 - Ringer coming home would be good and add Amine
97 - no clue
125 - Hendrickson
57 - USA is Fix and Mexico is RBY
65 - Yianni is Greece and we will see a young gun from the USA (big recruit)
74 - Dake is too big, but he’s there for now. Hamiti will also train here probably.
86 - Ringer coming home would be good and add Amine
97 - no clue
125 - Hendrickson
Is 65 a done deal or wishful thinking?
I don’t know, some of these Heavy weights now days can move. It’s not wrestling from the yester years, where a couple of overweight sweaty dudes pummel each other to death and the last one standing is the winner.
"Some" ... how'd our guy do in the moving scoring department last year, any tech falls?
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197 was the most god awful weight for about a decade.

idk how 215 would be 'fun'.

the talent pool in high school at that weight is almost non existent.

and the HWT depth in college is barely sustainable.

and for what? cutting 125 for what reason, exactly?
I’m sure you’re right but I can wrap my head around why the participation would be so off with 215 and HWT. Americans are big. Football has a million of those guys running around. And there are alot of tweeners that don’t fit well in that big of a weight class disparity. It also seems like fewer and fewer guys stay at 125 for their career now so teams are always looking at bringing in another young one for a couple years until they inevitably outgrow it too. Idk it’s just kind of like the Spencer Lee quote (idk if he said it or not?) that everyone keeps bringing up.. a grown man shouldn’t be 125lbs

I’ll also add that best athletes on the planet weigh in the 200 to 215 range. It just seems like something that should work (not saying it does).
I’m sure you’re right but I can wrap my head around why the participation would be so off with 215 and HWT. Americans are big. Football has a million of those guys running around. And there are alot of tweeners that don’t fit well in that big of a weight class disparity. It also seems like fewer and fewer guys stay at 125 for their career now so teams are always looking at bringing in another young one for a couple years until they inevitably outgrow it too. Idk it’s just kind of like the Spencer Lee quote (idk if he said it or not?) that everyone keeps bringing up.. a grown man shouldn’t be 125lbs
Much of what you wrote about how difficult to maintain weight at 125 is true of a majority of wrestlers outside of guys starting at 197 or heavy, and especially true at the lower weights. Dake was at a different weight all four years. A minority of wrestlers stay at one weight all four years, and if they do, I'm betting many are having weight issues.
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Some good discussions on here. I agree with Willie, don't add 215. Maybe change 25 to 127 and 33 to 134?

On the idea of RBY getting bigger, yes if done right he could get faster. But being smaller framed he would lose length against big 65kg guys. That would negate some of the speed for sure.

Not sure who Chase is referring to at 65kg but dear sweet baby Jesus let it be Jax or Blaze!
Some good discussions on here. I agree with Willie, don't add 215. Maybe change 25 to 127 and 33 to 134?

On the idea of RBY getting bigger, yes if done right he could get faster. But being smaller framed he would lose length against big 65kg guys. That would negate some of the speed for sure.

Not sure who Chase is referring to at 65kg but dear sweet baby Jesus let it be Jax or Blaze!
I agree on 125 to 127 and 133 to 134. That would help immensely but might kill us internationally.

Just remember, there is a reason the sky is blue and white. 🤣

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I'd add + 3 to the 125 - but keep it the same weight class in name (just for the sake of the record books).

The rest of the weights are fine.
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Lol I don’t think so… Chase and I just think he should
It honestly would not be a bad option. Usually US wrestlers who want to compete for another country do it pretty early.

Yianni having made the team twice and medaled I think will stay in the Red, White and Blue!
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Was he at OSU already or did DT bring him in?
I don’t know the exact details. He is new and he was the director of training at Barwis and they work with a ton of pro and Olympic athletes. Montoni seems to specialize in holistic training which lines up with what we’ve been hearing out of NLWC. Dake, DT, AB etc all got away from traditional S&C
I don’t know the exact details. He is new and he was the director of training at Barwis and they work with a ton of pro and Olympic athletes. Montoni seems to specialize in holistic training which lines up with what we’ve been hearing out of NLWC. Dake, DT, AB etc all got away from traditional S&C
What constitutes holistic training? Is that the functional movement/body weight stuff that I seem to remember Kyle Dake doing a lot of? Less focus on traditional lifting and all of that
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What constitutes holistic training? Is that the functional movement/body weight stuff that I seem to remember Kyle Dake doing a lot of? Less focus on traditional lifting and all of that
Yeah in a nutshell but after doing a deep dive on Mike Barwis… he doesn’t seem quite like Dake’s guy. He’s more complete and scientific. He seems to have thrown out everything that’s an accepted norm and has possibly become the world’s leading expert of sports anatomy/sports science. He wants to take what we know about the human body’s anatomy, natural functionality, balance, etc. and harness it. Take the end result of how the body would function in absolute peak performance and then work that backwards. He still has some strength training but it’s just a small part of the whole while trying to build functional flexibility, strength, explosiveness, stamina and durability. He wants to have complete balance of strength and flexibility of functional motion between the anterior and posterior muscles in any motion. Then he wants them to be explosive and for the body to have enough stamina to repeat those actions over and over without breaking down.

If you have time here is a great interview Mike did with Wrestling Mindset a few years ago.
Yeah in a nutshell but after doing a deep dive on Mike Barwis… he doesn’t seem quite like Dake’s guy. He’s more complete and scientific. He seems to have thrown out everything that’s an accepted norm and has possibly become the world’s leading expert of sports anatomy/sports science. He wants to take what we know about the human body’s anatomy, natural functionality, balance, etc. and harness it. Take the end result of how the body would function in absolute peak performance and then work that backwards. He still has some strength training but it’s just a small part of the whole while trying to build functional flexibility, strength, explosiveness, stamina and durability. He wants to have complete balance of strength and flexibility of functional motion between the anterior and posterior muscles in any motion. Then he wants them to be explosive and for the body to have enough stamina to repeat those actions over and over without breaking down.

If you have time here is a great interview Mike did with Wrestling Mindset a few years ago.
Poke going down a dark hole.

So below is a podcast from the guy who is probably Dake's "guy" - he talks about light, mitochondria, longitude/latitude. Not sure if he's the basis for a lot Coach Cal's stuff - but it's definitely what Dake is doing. Completely eye-opening, but also common sense stuff. One thing he said and i'm sure this where DT and Calcagno have absolute philosophical differences - "hypertrophy does not equal strength." He does kinda go off the deep end towards the end. LOL

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