Let’s talk about John Brennan ITT


May 29, 2001
Probably the top bureaucrat by level of direct involvement in spygate, and is an expendable bridge to burn between elected officials and the McCabes etc. for this reason, I think he’ll be thrown to the wolves first. Thanks to the precedents set in the Meuller probe re: bringing the hammer for perjury - IMO this will likely be the first indictment.

Go ahead and bronze this.

I think he’s the chief architect of a “soft” (failed) coup and will eventually face treason charges.

Change my mind.
Probably the top bureaucrat by level of direct involvement in spygate, and is an expendable bridge to burn between elected officials and the McCabes etc. for this reason, I think he’ll be thrown to the wolves first. Thanks to the precedents set in the Meuller probe re: bringing the hammer for perjury - IMO this will likely be the first indictment.

Go ahead and bronze this.

I think he’s the chief architect of a “soft” (failed) coup and will eventually face treason charges.

Change my mind.
Since we have your permission........ who gives a shit? Page me when the the charges drop. ;)
Brennan looks like the main culprit for sure, I could see how the head of the CIA might consider himself the most powerful man in the world, capable of pulling off anything. CIA is use to performing counter-intelligence and espionage acts on foreign countries, not a surprise that with a corrupt individual leading the CIA for this to happen. JFK warned what these arms of our government might become. We do not want Russia meddling in our affairs, yet the CIA does it to Russia and other countries and how can we be shocked when the CIA turns on its own government under the guise of being a "patriot" to take Trump down. Putin manipulated Brennan for our government to behave like Russia's does when it comes to it's own people.

The balancing act is how to prevent legit intelligence activities and techniques from being disclosed, and for the CIA and FBI operating under such a cloak of secrecy that they hide behind an encompassing "confidentiality agreement" that allows them to do what they want and possibly hurting our democratic principles and it only coming to light when there is an obvious bad outcome for all that public to see that demands scrutiny. The CIA, FBI, and our military hides way to much from the American public all under this umbrella of safe guarding methods and sources. At a minimum, the decision making of our top officials and how those decisions were made should be fully disclosed. We all thought WMD's existed in Iraq, if you can not get that right then I say our so called methods and techniques are nothing special and that the CIA, FBI, and our military is not near as good as we think. Only thing that would get exposed is how bad our methods and techniques are, and perhaps the appearance of being great at intelligence some believe is a deterrent, but in the long game it undermines our long-term security and will risk more American lives.

Our MSM was suppose to help keep transparency, and in this instance MSM was co-conspirators, it was state TV, people like Brennan and Comey were employed by MSM and MSM became part of the counter-intelligence attack. This is no different than what happens in Russia, our checks and balances are gone. Half of the US public no longer wants the truth, half wants propaganda and the truth be damned all in the name of our government gaining yet more control over how we live, lessening our freedoms, and having a justice system not based on our laws and its strict applications, it gets applied based on if you are state friendly or not. Great deal of power in the hands of a select few.

Trump loses and the grand illusion continues and gets more deeply rooted. Those claiming Trump is a traitor and is the horrible President? He is trying to take our government and media back to a time when it tried to serve our entire population, those who are against this is primarily the MSM and a few elected officials that now want complete control in how we live and what we believe, even if what we believe is a total fabricated lie created by MSM and a population that is indoctrinated (not educated) thru our educational system to believe in things that are in some instances can be proven false scientifically.
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While it will be difficult to prove, Brennan wouldn't have dared do anything without the approval of Jarrett or Obama.

I am not sure what to make of this, how big is Brennan's ego and how personally convicted (apparent now he was highly convicted) was he that Trump had to be taken down at all costs and it was his patriotic duty? Did Obama and others rely on false information that looked like Brennan was trying to protect us from Russia when in fact the CIA was running a secret counter-intelligence operation on the US government and it needed to be kept as secret as possible to carry it out?

I am no fan of Obama, but it is certainly possible Brennan took the CIA rogue on his own, and IMO that is the scariest part of this, if that is what happened we need that truth and not try to use this to get Obama, if Brennan was able to take the CIA rogue on his own? Then we have a MAJOR issue with the CIA and we need new over sight and new controls, none of this operating under a complete cloak of secrecy anymore and that whoever heads up the CIA is a benevolent dictator that can be trusted to play everything right in the middle of the fair way and to protect US citizens at all times, and most importantly, our Constitution.

Certainly Obama could have known, but the scary part is what if he did not? Obama knowing is a break down in control and oversight, him not knowing is the CIA proving it can operate an attack on the US government at will. Need to figure out a way to protect for both instances, but there is no control to detect and stop collusion while it is happening. Collusion is the one act no auditor or company can design a control to stop, nothing you can do when bad people collude.
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^^^ this right up in here; but Barry knew about the tarmac meeting and did squat

By the way as a first post (this forum recommended to me by my Sooner brethren; I come in peace. I'm one of those that roots for all OK teams to win except in the one time a year we face off in Bedlam), I'm glad free speech still has a few places to show up
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Yeah you need to come by more often around August. Now that we've had our scrotes hacked off by upper management and they took away all "out of bounds" privileges the forum is pretty dead until ladies softball winds down