I personally think this is a deeply rooted psychological problem for some people. It can't be 'normal' to not desire happiness and success in life.
I have a cousin that fits this description. He's 45 and has bounced from low paying job to low paying job all his life with a few, lengthy jobless gaps in between. He's fairly intelligent and finished college but has never pursued a successful career, a family or home ownership.
He moved back in with his parents three years ago (after living on the East Coast for years) and they all seem happy as a clam. He's currently working as an $11-an-hour delivery driver. We had a good talk a few weeks ago and he said pretty much anyone he's ever known from his early days (high school, college, etc.) has pretty much vanished and never returns his texts. I asked why and he said 'don't know, I guess people think I'm a bad influence on their kids'.
One thing I do find fascinating, he ALWAYS has an interesting girlfriend and never dates 'trashy' girls. This guy somehow always lands professional, educated women. Blows my mind. He's a real life George Costanza: chubby, bald, living at home....and always somehow getting laid. Maybe he's Cosmo Kramer.