That's some of it.
The biggest issue these days is overprotective parents. We hover over them and refuse to allow them to fail or get hurt.
We also tend to believe they never do any wrong.
When I was in school and got in trouble or didn't get a good letter grade, my parents sided with the teacher.
Today, parents blame the teacher.
My sister is in education and acknowledges that parents are the biggest problem. When a kid acts out, she does a very wise thing. She brings the kid to the office and calls the parent. If a teacher says a kid said a bad word or did something wrong, parents never believe their little angel would do it. She makes the child say the exact word over the phone they used or the act they committed.
Idiot parents are rightly horrified.
I was pretty old school with my boys. When things didn't go their way in sports, I didn't blame the coach. I would tell them if they don't like it, get better. If they didn't get the grade they wanted, I told them to look in the mirror and make the changes needed to get the grade they wanted. When they got hurt, I would tell them it wasn't that bad. They both have disabilities (one is legally blind and the other has Aspergers), I told them that's no excuse and that I expected them to overcome them.
You can't protect them and make excuses for everything. Let them get hurt. Let them struggle. Have them work out problems with their friends on the playground and in the school on their own, it's good for them.