Lawn Guys - Nutsedge


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Mar 21, 2007
Any of you battle this lil' bastard constantly? I probably spend 40 bucks every 2 months for the hi-yield treatment. It works but it comes back quick and damn it's expensive. Anybody do anything else?
Any of you battle this lil' bastard constantly? I probably spend 40 bucks every 2 months for the hi-yield treatment. It works but it comes back quick and damn it's expensive. Anybody do anything else?
I bought the only thing that will permanently kill it about 10 years ago and I think it worked. This isn't helpful without the name but it's on a back shelf in my garage.

But then I moved and planted St Augustine and that stuff brooks no infiltration of anything.

Roundup will "kill" it for 2 months, of course if it comes back that quickly then those guys are just stealing your money.
I bought the only thing that will permanently kill it about 10 years ago and I think it worked. This isn't helpful without the name but it's on a back shelf in my garage.

But then I moved and planted St Augustine and that stuff brooks no infiltration of anything.

Roundup will "kill" it for 2 months, of course if it comes back that quickly then those guys are just stealing your money.

Nutsedge? Killing it for a couple of months? Sounds like something my ex-wife made me take one time.
I use the Round Up that's safe for lawn, also. About the only thing out there. I doust the heck out of it, though.
The only other thing is to get a sponge paint brush and paint the leaves with the full strength Round up.
The golf club uses a product called Dismiss. I've got about 25 sprouts of it in my side yard I've been battling for years. Dismiss killed it in a couple of treatments.

No idea where you buy it, the golf course gave me a sample
The only other thing is to get a sponge paint brush and paint the leaves with the full strength Round up.
I've heard of this and need to try it on the dallisgrass that is the bane of my lawn care existence.
Easy solution. If you're seeing nutsedge, you should invest in better underwear.

I'll be here all week

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