Late INT was good; should have been reviewed

maybe you should look at your defensive coordinator and how stupid he was. He played a prevent defense, big cushions and a two to three man ruch which gave the OU qb all day long to throw. that is the definition of being stupid. Gundy should fire him asap, and your defensive guy should sell his home and move to the end of the world. You notice thatwhen ok state got the ball back, the OU defensive guy rushed full load and did not give your qb a second to throw. With your defensive guy doing whathe did, you deserve to lose.
Yesk it should have been reviewed

Why didn't Gundy call a timeout? Heck, I would have called timeout if I was on defense.
Yeah, and I bet you think on the first play from scrimmage there was no hold, when the video clearly showed your WR Bear Hugging our DB.
Or how about the two short spots OU got hosed on on 3rd down, that the replay official upheld. You have an issue with those?