Last man standing cancelled

Never seen it myself either, but like the President having the right to fire Comey, ABC/Disney have the right to cancel money making shows.
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I am pissed looked forward to this show and Ancient aliens on Fridays
HSH, didn't mean to imply you were. Just pointing out that the left is willing to lose money to keep a show off the air that might lean right.

Despite bringing in respectable ratings -- especially in a difficult Friday night timeslot -- ABC chose to cancel "Last Man Standing" for financial reasons. In past seasons, ABC and the studio that produces "Last Man Standing," 20th Century Fox, have had contentious renewal negotiations. ABC would have had to shoulder more of the costs of producing the series in this coming season, and apparently the network decided it wasn't worth the effort or money.

I've never watched the show, so this doesn't affect me personally other than reiterate the childlike behavior going on in regards to the left and their decisions and actions since November. Canceling a show for apparent political reasons?? "Financial"?? Yeah right...lots of pure garbage hangs in there at times despite "financial reasons", which is complete and total BOOOSHIT. Ok....then let's go here...

Keith Olbermonkey's rant and plea to other countries to "deliver the goods" on any inside information on President Trump and his family...

Of course, that's no surprise coming from that idiot, he went from a sports guy to being a total liberal tool and whiny bitch long ago.

I'm all for free speech, but when it starts to blur into treasonous begging from a rather large douche spurting nozzle like that turd, I say silence the goofy cacksackas.
It was their #3 rated 'pre-written', prime time show (non-reality) and #2 rated comedy behind Modern Family.
To me, it's a clear shot at conversatives. Every media outlet that predicts shows to be renewed or cancelled, predicted it would easily be renewed because of good ratings in a crappy timeslot.

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