Last Man on Earth - anyone watching it?


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Will be interesting to see how this plays out......funny so far
I haven't watched last night's but I loved the premier. No idea how they can do this long term but off to a great start.
I think it's hilarious. Very very funny show.


As soon as he got married, I knew a hot chick would show up. Well played.
I love it. I've encouraged several friends and family members to watch. It's the best new show I've seen in a long time.
Watch last night's show today. Very good so far. Forte is great. My only concern is that it's a one bit show. Not sure how they are going to keep it fresh.
I watched the first 2 last night. Concept kicks ass, and so far I like it. I'm not sure how far it can do.

I really enjoyed the girl being annoying as hell. The running the stop sign part cracked me up.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
When I saw Kristen Schaal was cast, I thought to myself: What could be worse than being the last man on earth? Being the last man on Earth, stuck with a character which Schaal is so good at playing. And then she shows up as Carol Pilbasion and she was everything I expected and then some. I think I'd rather put a drill in my ear than have to listen to Carol for the rest of my life.
Originally posted by hollywood:
When I saw Kristen Schaal was cast, I thought to myself: What could be worse than being the last man on earth? Being the last man on Earth, stuck with a character which Schaal is so good at playing. And then she shows up as Carol Pilbasion and she was everything I expected and then some. I think I'd rather put a drill in my ear than have to listen to Carol for the rest of my life.
Well fortunately January Jones has arrived. Unfortunately he just got married. But if you are trying to repopulated the earth it's really your duty to service both. The future of mankind depends on you. Plus now your kids will only have to marry their half siblings.
Watched all three episodes. The first two for me weren't the best but still had me hooked. The third episode (we watched it last night) was great and we are fully on board with the show now. The last episode had some truly LOL moments. When she was eating beans in bed after the coitus and telling Phil to talk more I was rolling.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by FMPoke:
Originally posted by hollywood:
When I saw Kristen Schaal was cast, I thought to myself: What could be worse than being the last man on earth? Being the last man on Earth, stuck with a character which Schaal is so good at playing. And then she shows up as Carol Pilbasion and she was everything I expected and then some. I think I'd rather put a drill in my ear than have to listen to Carol for the rest of my life.
Well fortunately January Jones has arrived. Unfortunately he just got married. But if you are trying to repopulated the earth it's really your duty to service both. The future of mankind depends on you. Plus now your kids will only have to marry their half siblings.
He's the President of the United States and there is no Congress. He should just issue an executive order making polygamy legal. Boom. Problem solved.
Oh, and according to a recap of the show on Grantland the ratings have been pretty strong and even critics are on board with the show.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
So what's every body think at this point. Couple of more episodes. The cast is expanding and based on the credit listed on IMDB it looks like we get three more before the seasons over. The season appears to only be ten episodes total. Seems a little short for network TV particularly is we are counting the hour shows a doubles. That means we only have four left.

Phil is becoming a bigger douchebag every show and Carol is so annoying you can hardly blame him. They've taken care of the incest issue. I wonder if they are ever going to address what happened. How did these people survive the virus and where are all the bodies? I mean if mankind was wiped out by some virus shouldn't there be rotting disease carrying bodies everywhere. Nothing survived not even coach roaches apparently except for our cast. Did a UFO take everyone? Did the rapture come and this is another left behind thing? Seems like the cut would have been a little tougher.

Still good at this point but I wonder how long they can keep it fresh.
When Todd stepped out of the car, for about 5 seconds I thought it was Ron Jeremy!

Which would have been too funny.
I really liked the last two episodes. Thought it was great when Phil finally came clean to Melissa. They seemed to have a moment at the bar. Interested to see it play out through the last few episodes of the season. Especially the "game changer".
Still watching. Honestly though, the more people that show up the less funny it's become to me. I understand they can't really have a show with one character run for any length of time, but the first two episodes were the best so far IMO.

I got to agree with you. Each episode seems like a little less funny than the previous. I hope they can turn it around with the last few episodes, but if he gets any more whiny and more of a douchebag then I may have to pull the plug.
Yeah, still liking it but I enjoyed it a lot more when it was just Forte doing dumb stuff with no one around. Of course I realize you can only do that so long. For some reason, I found bearded Forte a lot funnier.
Bearded Forte was funnier. He was like the homeless guy who won the lottery. Clean shaven Phil is a full blown douche Frat Boy.

I know I'm overthinking this but with no one to milk it and no bull to knock it up shouldn't the Last Cow on Earth have dried up. Also was I the only one waiting for the Cow to take a full blown dump on Phil's oval office rug.

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