Knee Wraps/Sleeves - Squatting


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Mar 21, 2007
Anyone use them and have any recommendations? I've never used one in my life.

Do they help and are they something you just use for your heavier sets, something around 70-80% of max or more? I intend to us them only when squatting real heavy (for me), my left knee doesn't feel quite like it used to these days.

There's a small amount of inflammation the next day after squats in my left knee (nothing serious) and I was thinking of trying a knee wrap. If that didn't work obviously a trip to the doc.
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I've wondered too, I see people at the gym with them, I'll ask one of them

I'd just go buy them and try them out for myself but the damn things are $35 to $60 PER KNEE depending on what you get.
I use Rehband sleeves. If you plan to lift for years, they are worth the expense. For me, they limit post workout inflammation.
My former weightlifting coach (Colin Burns) can out-lift everyone on these boards and our football team, and he said they were rubbish.

Lifters are worth the money though.
You should only use them when going really heavy (above 95% of max) if you're going to use them.
I would have a coach check out your squat form if you're feeling funny in a knee the day after. You likely have suboptimal form or a smell muscle imbalance (easily corrected using unilateral exercises) that is causing the knee to hurt.
I talked to one of my coaches at my crossfit gym that wears them, he said he primarily wears them to keep his knees warmer but that the high compression ones were good for heavy squats , DLs etc

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